Multiverse of Madness Logs


Layout By

May 9th, 2021



Who: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, and an intro of Kate Bishop!
Where: the portal room
When: late Saturday night
What: Kate's arrival
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: In progress

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Pepper & Steve Thread

WHO Pepper Potts & Steve Rogers
WHAT: Bonding?
WHERE: The gym and an Italian restaurant
WHEN: Saturday, May 8
WARNINGS: None really - alludes to death
STATUS: Completed via GDOCS

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Portal 3: Happily Never After (original, I now) (5/9/21 - 5/23/21)


Tony opened the Portal while Bucky and Darcy were on duty. As always, Tony insisted on being the first to test it out. After he didn't return for a half-hour, Bucky went in after him.

It was another few minutes later when Bucky came out dragging Tony behind him- who had grown a beard, was carrying a wizard hat and was ranting about talking bears.

Welcome to Shrek-World, everyone! Over the next two weeks, anyone who enters the portal will find themselves transformed into some kind of fairy tale creature or character similar to the twisted versions found in the Shrek Franchise.

Tony had found himself dressed as a wizard, and being Tony he started to explore. The longer you stay in the world, the more at risk you are to forgetting who you are and starting to believe the fantasy (as Tony did, here). Bucky crossed over, becoming a knight and not thinking so much about it before finding Tony and dragging him back through.

Eventually, Tony will find a workaround to prevent the memory loss at least, but not the transformation (just a little adjustment to the communicators).

Anyway, have fun! This is a light-hearted portal. There are no immediate dangers in place, and characters can just explore and get lost in alter-egos of themselves. The work-around will be figured out by Wednesday.

In the meantime, the ship team is still hard at work building and updates to that are coming soon!