Multiverse of Madness Logs


Layout By

May 5th, 2021



May's Birthday




Who: Loki and Sharon
Where: Common Room
When: Early morning
What: Meeting
Rating/Warnings: Loki's mind, that's it
Status: Finished

x.x.x.x )




Who: Everyone who wants to help!
What: Team-ups, Infinity Stones, and Thanos In Spaaaaaace
When: Wednesday Afternoon
Status: Incomplete (the thread will close by Friday)

It's Not About How Much We've Lost, It's About How Much We Have Left. )



Diana Meade arrives.

Who: Diana Mead and Bucky Barnes, then OPEN
What: Diana's arrival via the portal.
When: May 5 during Buffy and Bucky's shift
Where: Starting in the Hanger and then an empty room in the compound.
Status: Incomplete.
Trigger/Spoiler Warnings: Parental death, Loss of direction. Spoiler warning for Season 1 of Secret Circle.

Where was she? What had just happened?! A trap. Was this a trap? Was this magic? Was someone casting on her?! )