Mockery RPG - February 15th, 2008

About February 15th, 2008

It's Valentine's Day!! 09:07 am
who Michael and Anthony (and others at the Hog's Head?)
when Valentine's Day, around 1:30 pm
where The Hog's Head, New Moon Restaurant, and 1657 Chocolate House
rating PG-13, for now
status In progress

Everything was ready... sort of... )

What are you doing? 09:51 am
who Harry and Tonks
when Valentine's Day (er, Night), around 7 pm
where Tonks' flat
what Harry's avoiding the wizarding world...
rating PG
status Incomplete

Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever. )

11:58 am
Who: Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini
When: sometime in the afternoon Feb 15th, 1999
Where: Blaise's place
Rating: PG
Status: Incomplete

Draco had sent an owl off to Blaise, telling him to expect him sometime in the afternoon. It wasn't much of a surprise that it was Blaise who Draco had decided to see next, now that he was free. He was still in a bit of surprise that he'd managed to pull the wool over Blaise's eyes for so long while they were still at school. Or, had he? Draco wasn't quite sure. Blaise always saw more than he ever let on, and it would be foolish of him to assume that he'd been hoodwinked. Maybe Blaise had only chosen to turn a blind eye for his own reasons.

All of these things mulled in Draco's mind as he apparated to the spacious Zabini residence, and knocked on the door, waiting to be admitted.
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