Mockery RPG - February 19th, 2008

About February 19th, 2008

Open Thread 12:19 pm
Who: Fred and OPEN to anyone who wants to join him
When: 19 February 1999, late afternoon
Where: Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes, 93 Diagon Alley
Rating: PG most likely
Status: Incomplete

Fred was sitting on the barstool he had placed behind the counter, resting a bit. The shop had been slow that day, and George had left to go get some supplies for a new product idea they wanted to try out. He wasn't exactly happy about how he still didn't have all of his old energy back, even though the Healers told him that it would take some more time. If there was one word that would describe Fred, it was impatience.

Sighing, he looked up at the clock, and smiled. Only half an hour before closing time, then he could go and start dinner. Not that he could cook at all, but this would be his first time in the kitchen in months.
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