Feb. 7th, 2009


October 7, 2020 --Baby got lost.

Who: Eline, open.
Where: An empty corridor.
When: After dinner.
Rating: PG?
Status: Ongoing.
Summary: Coming.


October 7, 2020 - Ruddy Homework

Who:  Danny, open
Where: Ravenclaw commons
When: Late evening
Rating: PG?
Status: Open, ongoing
Summary:... i don't do those

Jan. 30th, 2009


September 30, 2020 - Professor's Night Out

Who: Ari, Ace, Neville, Darl
Where: Muggle London
When: Friday evening
Rating: R. I mean. What?
Status: Closed, ongoing

Summary: baby did a bad, bad thing

So, she'd behaved - mostly )

Jan. 28th, 2009


September 28 - Potions Fun

Who: Tris, open =P
Where: Potions lab
When: Evening
Rating: R. Wolfsbane makes Tris tense and sweary.

Status: Ongoing
Summary: Wangst

First, you add the ... )

Jan. 26th, 2009


September 26, 2020 - Library

Who: Albus, Malcolm, open.
Where: Hogwarts library.
When: Midday, after classes.
Rating: PG
Status: Open and ongoing.
Summary: Coming.

Read more... )

Jan. 25th, 2009


September 25, 2020 - Teacher's Lounge

Who: Ari, Ace, open
When: Evening
Where: teacher's lounge
Status: Open, ongoing

An evening off? Hardly )

Jan. 22nd, 2009


Setember 22 - Time to get to work.

Who: James, open
Where: Gryffindor commons
When: Sept. 22, Thursday, Afternoon/after classes
Rating: PG

Status: Open, ongoing

He'd doomed them all... )

Jan. 21st, 2009


September 21 -- Butterbeer.

Who: Miyuki, open.
Where: Hogsmeade, The Three Broomsticks.
When: Twilight.
Rating: PG
Status: Open and ongoing.
Summary: Coming soon.

Jan. 8th, 2009


One Moment of Your Time

Who: Natasha Beckett, open
Where: Knockturn Alley
When: 9/8/2020, mid-afternoon
Status: Open, ongoing


Stop and see the glitter, stay and see my vision. )

Jan. 2nd, 2009


If Wishes Were Knuts

Who: Palmer, open
When: September 2, 2020, evening
Where: Courtyard
Status: Open, Ongoing
Summary: Coming

Dec. 28th, 2008


September First - Back to School

Who: Open to everyone and their cousin.
When: September 1, 2020
Where: King's Cross, Platform 9 3/4 and the Hogwarts Express
Status: Open, Ongoing
Tree I:

Madison hunts the train for trouble while Malcolm trails along behind her. After a bit of distracted conversation, Madison encourages him to pick a compartment to stay in while she continues her hunt. When he still wants to come along, she shuffles him off to go talk with Rose so that he's out from underfoot.

Tree II:

Libra whines about wanting to go, and Scorpius points out that she can't go yet. He then teases Aries about finishing his summer homework, then taunts him a bit about what sorting entails - informing him that he has to do a spell and if he fails he'll get sorted into Gryffindor. Eventually he relents and tell Aries how it's really done - though he makes him promise to torment Libra with the same stories when her first year rolls around.

Tree III:
Tris, Lan, Dominique, Acevona

Tris and Lan - after Acevona parts company with them - drop hints and tease a bit about the totally epic train prank Tris is going to pull. Dominique is highly suspicious but curious all the same - moreso when Tris and Lan part company on the train. Dominique settles into a middle compartment to watch. For the record, Tristan opts not to go through with it. Common sense? Or is streaking down the entire train just too much even for him? No one knows ...

Tree IV:
Brenna, Autumn, Madison

While Autumn is talking with some prefect friends, she is beset by the plague of Brenna - though Brenna is easily chased off with a little embarrassment. Autumn and Madison chat a little about the known troublemakers and how the term is starting off - and how they wonder what Tris and Lan are really up to.

Tree V:
Rose, Malcolm, Roxanne

Rose, Lily, and James show up together, though James quickly parts company from Rose - and Lily follows him. Rose isn't alone for long though, as she's soon joined by Malcolm Chang. The two have very different interests, and the conversation is fairly disjointed with Rose trying to pull it toward Quidditch and Mal trying to pull it toward books. Once they're settled on the train, they're joined by Roxanne, and Rose is glad for the distraction. Roxy talks about the canary cremes she's improved upon, and the conversation goes from there.


Dec. 26th, 2008


Brother and Sister Have a Summer Log

WHO: Malcolm and Madison Chang
WHERE: Their House
WHEN: August 26, 2020; mid-afternoon
STATUS: Incomplete
SUMMARY: It is that time of year for Hogwarts students to get ready for school. The Changs are no exception.

Oh Malcolm, forever the procrastinator )

Dec. 21st, 2008


Pureblood Wizards Invitational - European Cup

Who: Any pureblood wizards coming to the meeting
When: August 19, 2020 - midmorning.
Where: Private hexed tent (Set up and protected with a Fidelius Charm)
Status: In-progress

They would be coming soon. )

Dec. 20th, 2008


At the Campgrounds

Who: James, open
Where: European Cup (Puddlemere United vs. Quiberon Quafflepunchers), campgrounds, Potter/Weasley tent
When: August 20, early morning
Status: Open, ongoing.

July 2011



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