[Archive] Meta Roundup: Fannish Stuff of Interest

May 2010

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Posts Tagged: 'sites:+fanlore+wiki'


Issue #103


[info]rood: Meine Kritik an Fanfiktion.de, von Rodo, einer enttäuschten Nutzerin.

[info]the_rck wrote an untitled post about entering new fandoms through fic, without knowing the canon, and the downsides to it.

[info]elfwreck wrote about the Fanlore wiki: "I love fanlore, the idea of it, the way it does work in some areas. I just haven't figured out how to be involved with it."

[info]celandineb's Fandom Friday Poll is asking the question of fic length, i.e. how do you define a drabble, and a fic novel?

[Pro Wrestling] [info]mllesatine: meta: I will try and analyse one of my "quilty pleasures" today.

[Coraline (movie)] [info]yayforjae describes "a strange phenomenon in the Coraline fandom - Portraying Wybie as white".

[Supernatural] [info]yourlibrarian: Missing the Music: Song Use in SPN: "I'm sure everyone has favorite songs in the series. I definitely have my own, but I wanted to think about what we're losing when we don't have music, which goes beyond just having a kick soundtrack. So, just for fun, I decided to do a little meta on what the 10 most significant uses of music have been so far."

Posts about Dreamwidth:

[info]telesilla: Because I'm just a cock-eyed optimist; or why I'm going to be paying for Dreamwidth (also deals with JournalFen and InsaneJournal for comparison/background)

[info]branchandroot, in a post titled In which Dreamwidth is not Microsoft, explains the difference between open beta and site launch.

[info]skuf: April Posting Pact Meta Post the Firste: Dreamwidth's Subscribe/Grant Access To and You (thoughts on Dreamwidth's filtering/friending system and wondering how to handle it)


Issue #87


[info]brownbetty: Dick Grayson in a fake moustache and glasses: "There is a story I will read every time I see it, no matter how many times I see it: Our Hero is undercover, and surrounded by badguys, but someone there, either someone else undercover or someone in trouble, begins to suspect Our Hero is not actually the villain they pretend to be."

[info]branchandroot explains how to make a reference note on the Fanlore wiki.

For the people who are also on LiveJournal and have been friended by random russian journals out of the blue, there are serial-adder bots friending users and one theory is they might be after personal information in friends-locked posts. Nympholept on LJ has a detailed post on the matter. Discussion on [info]07refugees is here. (I know this might be old news to some of you, but there's always the possibility that other people haven't seen the posts before, so I thought I'd mention.)

Issue #86


[info]cluegirl: Fandom Things I Miss: "Raising a toast to those things I remember with persistent, undimmed fondness from times when fandom seemed very different to me."

[info]the_obscure: Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him.: "The melodramatic, almost operatic crescendo and sudden, swift demise of a fictional person we have loved does not give us an emotional high, it makes us callous on the ten-billionth time it's done, overdone, chewed, spat out, and paraded once more in the guise of originality."

[info]yourlibrarian: The Wheel of Television Fortune: "There's something rather depressing about seeing a show which had a strong, even stellar, first season turn into a mess. There's something incredibly rewarding about seeing a show that stumbled pick itself up again. There's something even more depressing about seeing a show that botched its second season learning all the wrong messages from that fiasco." (Spoilers; talks mainly about "Heroes" and "Supernatural", also mentions "Veronica Mars" and "Chuck")

Zwei Einträge von [info]frogspace: 1. Über den Start des Fanlore Wikis und der Frage nach Objektivität/Bewertung sowie den Vorteilen der User ID, 2. Wenn sich draußen die Blätter verfärben: "Apropos Form, ich bin derzeit dabei, meine alten Metalinks aus einem nur zu diesem Zweck bestehenden Zweitjournal in einen Delicious-Account zu übertragen. [...] Delicious wird von Google erfasst. Wenn ich diese ganzen Wayback-Links jetzt in einem Account sammle und öffentlich mache, dann verändert das den Grad der Öffentlichkeit und ich weiß nicht, wie ich damit umgehen soll."

LiveJournal: [info]greenwitch posted in [info]07refugees that "what appears to be Russian hackers have been taking down journals and communities over on LJ" and asks if anyone has further information on the number of affected journals and/or LJ's actions against the attacks.

InsaneJournal: A security update to the 2.0 version of Firefox ( is causing problems with the Rich Text Editor. [info]squeaky suggests using the mobile update page on IJ or change browser versions, until there's a better solution.