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Oct. 16th, 2009


ART: Chasing a Dream (Merlin/Morgana, PG-13)

Title: Chasing a Dream
Artist: [info]zephre
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: BBC's Merlin
Characters: Morgana/Merlin
Warnings/Spoilers: None
Medium: photoshop

(art at my journal)

Oct. 15th, 2009


ART: Embrace (Arthur/Merlin, PG)

Title: Embrace
Artist: [info]zephre
Rating: PG
Fandom: BBC's Merlin
Characters: Merlin/Arthur
Notes: For the Merlin/Arthur Hug Meme

(art at my journal)

Oct. 11th, 2009


Vid: My Son

Title: My Son
Music: "Thème de combat" by Julien PETITJEAN
Characters/Pairing: Gen
Summary: The darker side of Uther's intolerance of magic
Spoilers: All series 1, series 2 up to 2x03
Warning: Character deaths as seen in the series.
Author notes: Thanks you [info - personal] starrylizard for the beta! Your thoughtful comments and ideas helped me a lot to improve this vid.

Download (mp4) 20 MB. Stream at my site or under the cut )

Oct. 6th, 2009


Fic: The woods in May

Title: The woods in May
Warnings: None
Pairing: Merlin/Will
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: Up to 1x10
Author Notes: Writen for kinkme_merlin. Prompt: Merlin/Will, the summer they first discover their sexuality and that they like to discover it together, awkward fumbling = bonus points. Thanks a lot to [info]binglejells for the beta. It has taken me ages to finally post it.



Fic: Dancefloor

Title: Dancefloor
Authors: [info]nefernat and [info]oconel
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: 3,381
Warnings: AU. Leather. Crack.
Summary: Merlin insists on a night of clubbing. Arthur insists on proper clothing. The combination makes them both happy.
Authors' notes: Instead of having a party, they are out having fun in clubs. In leather. Both of them. Uhm... Right. Needless to say we had a lot of fun writing this one.
Set in the Office universe.


Oct. 3rd, 2009


Prompt Claiming Post!

So here are the Fest prompts, sorted by prompt type.  We have a few of each, including some art-specific prompts, so there should be something for everyone.

All prompts can be claimed once, and claiming takes place through the end of December.  Claimed prompts will be crossed out as soon as possible, but do check the claims already made to make sure noone has claimed the prompt you want, just to be sure. Only one prompt can be claimed at a time, but once you finish an entry, you are welcome to claim another. Minimum Word length for fics 1000. Maximum length as high as you want to go, since you'll get to post it yourself. :) All entries should be finished by the end of January, and prompts will begin posting starting at the beginning of January and all the way through the end of February.  Once your piece is finished, an email can be sent to the mods at elfflame at hotmail dot com, and they will assign you a posting date.  All fics should be betaed before posting.

If you claim a prompt, then later find that you will be unable to finish the piece, do let the mods know as soon as possible so that we can put the prompt back up for claiming.

Header info for posting:

Prompt list under cut )</strike>

Let the claiming commence! :)
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Sep. 26th, 2009


Last chance to post your prompts!

Prompt-collection for the IJ [info]merlin_fanworks fest will end Wednesday night at Midnight Pacific time.  If you have not yet posted any requests, but would like to do so, you have a few more days, but do it soon!
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Sep. 19th, 2009


Fic: A Very Good Dream - Arthur/Merlin

Title: A Very Good Dream
Author: [info]elfflame
Claim: Merlin Emrys
Other characters/pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 274
A/N: The first thing to come to mind, since I doubt the term was well-known by these characters in this time-period. :)

All I’ve got to do )

Sep. 16th, 2009


I did it again...

It's becoming a habit. At least it's one the benefits other people's obsessions, too!

I syndicated the merlinbbc comm from LJ onto IJ. It even works! (Aka it just spammed my flist with the "your new feed is now up and running" load.) You can find it at [info]merlinbbc_lj

P.S. I still take requests for setting up feeds here. So if you have a favourite comm or page you'd like to see here, let me know. (Note that not all will be syndicatable and not all will work either, but if they are I'll do it.)

Sep. 4th, 2009


Fest Prompt Post!

Prompt collection starts today! Anyone who watches or is a member of this community is welcome to provide prompts. Please spread the word to anyone who likes Merlin who has an IJ. This fest will be on IJ only, so they will have to have one if they wish to participate.

Fest Timeline:

Prompt requests collected – through the end of September
Prompt claiming – through December
Fic finished – January 31st

Feel free to make as many prompts as you would like. The Mods will make a post with the cleaned up prompts in October. Once claiming has begun, each prompt will be crossed off when claimed. Each prompt can be claimed only once.

Any questions, please comment here, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Prompt collecting closed! Mods will have a claim post up by this weekend.
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Sep. 1st, 2009


Ficspamming the list

I have written several Merlin stories which I have not previously posted here, so I might as well post the links to them:

Two Reasons not to sleep with Arthur
An 'Arthur finds out' fic. Merlin/Arthur. R

Three in a bed
Series of AU drabbles with complicated pairings. Slash AND het. Perpetual WIP

Lacing Up Arthur
Merlin gets all bothered by Arthur in women's clothing. Merlin/Arthur. R

Fun ficlet where the boys squabble. Merlin/Arthur preslash. G

Rosa Alba
Arthur's 6yo daughter needs to know about her mother. Merlin/Arthur implied mpreg. G

I haven't received any comments from this site before, but it would be lovely to get some.

Aug. 31st, 2009


Merlin_Fanworks Fest!

So, after getting a little feedback, we've decided to do this. We're going to keep it pretty low-key.

Everyone will be invited to post as many prompts as they'd like to see in a post that we will post on Friday. Check that post for exact formatting of the requests.

Once we close prompting, everyone who is a member of the comm will be invited to claim the prompts--one at a time, but if you finish your piece, you are more than welcome to claim another once you have your first posting date.

When you have finished your piece, contact the mods via email given at the claiming post, and you will be assigned a date for that piece.

The pieces must be finished by the end of January, but the posting will begin the first of the month, and run through the end of February, if we have enough pieces.

Any questions or comments, or other input? Now's the time to speak up. :)
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Spoiler Poilicy

So, the new season starts in the UK on the ninth, so we wanted to make sure that everyone was on the same page here.

We've got a nice, quiet community, but we're pretty spread out geographically, and everyone has different access to the episodes, so we ask that everyone be respectful of the fact that there are people who watch this community who won't be able to see any episodes till next year sometime.

Please post for warnings for the coming season, and do not mention anything above a cut that could be construed as a spoiler.

We mods will be doing our best to be on top of the posts to the community to make sure these rules are followed, and we will delete anything that does not, then follow up with the person who posted so that they can re-post their entry so that it won't spoil anyone. If we run into too much of a problem, we will have to start moderating posts, and we would rather not have to do that, thank you.

Thank you all for being here, and looking forward to hearing what everyone thinks of the new season!

Aug. 29th, 2009


Cara Mia

Title: Cara Mia
Fandom: Merlin BBC TV series
Rating: R
Wordcount: 1100
Pairings: Merlin/Morgana
Crossposted at infide_manentia

This was my attempt at a Period version of ‘Truth or Dare’. Here’s where I got the idea from. There is also a partner fic which is linked to at the end.

Read on )

Aug. 8th, 2009



[1-4] The Wire
[5-10] Merlin

Magic eye Profile Hunith

(The rest here)

Aug. 6th, 2009


6 icons

44 Icons (Merlin, Skins, Star Wars)

all Merlin icons under the cut )

Aug. 3rd, 2009


IJ Merlin-fest?

So, the second season of Merlin is coming up soon, and while most of us will need to wait a little to actually see the episodes, [info]kabal42 and I were thinking perhaps it would be a nice time to celebrate Merlin.

So our questions are:
1) Is there any interest in this?
2) If so, what would you like to see in a fest?
* Prompts?
* Themed ideas?
* An exchange?
* Anonymous or not?
* When would be good timing for folks?

Any and all suggestions are welcome. The more suggestions and interest we get, the better.

Jun. 29th, 2009


The Knight and The Maiden

Title: The Knight and The Maiden
Authors: [info]oconel and [info]nefernat
Rating: R
Challenge: 33. Fairytale AU. Fairytale mashup ala Shrek with Arthur as Knight in shining armour set out to rescue the fair maiden (Merlin). Extra points for a stray sunbeam following Arthur throughout. Crack welcome!
Word count: 10,986 words
Summary: Once upon a time there was a man, a manly man named Arthur, with golden hair and deep blue eyes; brave and handsome as any other manly man.
Warnings (if applicable): Crack, a donkey in a crisis, a random sunbeam, a lurking fairy and talking inanimate objects. You know, harmless warnings...
Notes: First, we apologise to whoever it is that owns Shrek and Merlin, although we insist that no donkeys, sunbeams and crystal balls were harmed during the writing of this fic. Secondly, a BIG thank you to [info]kabal42 for the wonderful beta job!!!

Read it here


79 Merlin Icons

153 Fandom icons @ [info]je_fic
- Pushing Daisies
- Skins
- Stargate: Atlantis
- Merlin
- Dead Like Me


Jun. 27th, 2009


Morgana Fanart

Title:Destiny's Woodlands
Author: [info]tabakat
Ship(s):None. Morgana
Post type:Art

at my journal

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