February 25th, 2011

[info]gfeather in [info]merlin_fanworks

Fic: Come Fly With Me [G] Merlin/Arthur

Title: Come Fly With Me
Author: [info]gfeather
Rating: G
Ship(s): Merlin/Arthur
Post type fic
Summary: Arthur had mentioned once that he wished he could fly like a bird. Merlin makes it happen.
Warnings Extreme Fluff
A/N: Originally written as a comment fic for lil_lollypop36 as a response to the frikkin' adorable Mini!Arthur chibi series, particularly Questing for Love. Too cute for words! THIS is the AMAZING ART OF CAPSLOCK SQUEEAGE she made for me! Go look! It's so adorable! ♥_♥

Come Fly With Me