January 13th, 2010

[info]spaghettitoes in [info]merlin_fanworks


Title:  History
Author:  Christine AKA 

Rating: PG (fairly safe but depends on how filthy your mind is really)
Ship(s):  Uther/Gaius
Post Type:  Fiction (word count ~500)
Summary:  Uther remembers how things used to be in his youth.
Warnings:  Nostalgia.  Guilt.
A/N - I just had to get this out of my head so it's condensed but if you want to write a flashback just drop me a line, or just reassure me I'm not the only person who thinks those two have a lot of history.  Probably easier to imagine it's set in the 1st series. ETA: sense and 'W' 05.07.10.