December 8th, 2009

[info]oconel in [info]merlin_fanworks

Vid: Serenade

Title: Serenade
Vidder: oconel
Song: Serenade by Dover
Pairing: Up to you if it's Morgana/Gwen, Morgana/Morgause
Warning: POV change and... Some characters look creepy?
Spoilers: Up to 2.11
Format: mp4, 42 MB
Length: 2:40
Summary: Morgana!centric vid about the latest developments of her character.
Author Notes: I've used Gwen as the narrator (the soft and quiet parts), and Morgana at the chorus where "Serenade" is meant as a plea for help, and "being sick" a euphemism of sorts for being magical.

Stream at my IJ / my site / BAMVidVault- Download