October 18th, 2009

[info]tetsubinatu in [info]merlin_fanworks

At the change of watch

Title: At the change of watch
Author: [info]tetsubinatu
Rating: M
Ship(s): Arthur/OMC, Arthur/Merlin
Post type fic
First posted at kinkme_merlin #3
Prompt Summary: Arthur/Merlin, Arthur/Other. Paranoid!Arthur has a very secret but purely sexual relationship with one of his knights. After a while the knight wants to break it off. The knight is in touch with the 'gay underground' and tells Arthur he knows the perfect replacement lover for him. Arthur reluctantly agrees but under the condition that the person is blindfolded so that his secret is kept safe.
Warnings: None

I haven't done more to this than clean it up a little, but I thought I would share it here.

Read at my LJ