October 16th, 2009

[info]zephre in [info]merlin_fanworks

ART: Chasing a Dream (Merlin/Morgana, PG-13)

Title: Chasing a Dream
Artist: [info]zephre
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: BBC's Merlin
Characters: Morgana/Merlin
Warnings/Spoilers: None
Medium: photoshop

(art at my journal)

[info]elfflame in [info]merlin_fanworks

Fic: Passing Fancy - Arthur/Merlin, Uther - PG

Title: Passing Fancy
Author: [info]elfflame
Characters/Pairing: Uther, Arthur/Merlin
Rating: PG
Summary: Uther takes a walk on the battlements of the castle.
Word Count: 100X3
A/N: Another drabbly-thing that occurred to me while RPing the boys. :)

You never know what you'll see... )