October 3rd, 2009

[info]elfflame in [info]merlin_fanworks

Prompt Claiming Post!

So here are the Fest prompts, sorted by prompt type.  We have a few of each, including some art-specific prompts, so there should be something for everyone.

All prompts can be claimed once, and claiming takes place through the end of December.  Claimed prompts will be crossed out as soon as possible, but do check the claims already made to make sure noone has claimed the prompt you want, just to be sure. Only one prompt can be claimed at a time, but once you finish an entry, you are welcome to claim another. Minimum Word length for fics 1000. Maximum length as high as you want to go, since you'll get to post it yourself. :) All entries should be finished by the end of January, and prompts will begin posting starting at the beginning of January and all the way through the end of February.  Once your piece is finished, an email can be sent to the mods at elfflame at hotmail dot com, and they will assign you a posting date.  All fics should be betaed before posting.

If you claim a prompt, then later find that you will be unable to finish the piece, do let the mods know as soon as possible so that we can put the prompt back up for claiming.

Header info for posting:

Prompt list under cut )</strike>

Let the claiming commence! :)
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