June 29th, 2009

[info]immortalje in [info]merlin_fanworks

79 Merlin Icons

153 Fandom icons @ [info]je_fic
- Pushing Daisies
- Skins
- Stargate: Atlantis
- Merlin
- Dead Like Me


[info]oconel in [info]merlin_fanworks

The Knight and The Maiden

Title: The Knight and The Maiden
Authors: [info]oconel and [info]nefernat
Rating: R
Challenge: 33. Fairytale AU. Fairytale mashup ala Shrek with Arthur as Knight in shining armour set out to rescue the fair maiden (Merlin). Extra points for a stray sunbeam following Arthur throughout. Crack welcome!
Word count: 10,986 words
Summary: Once upon a time there was a man, a manly man named Arthur, with golden hair and deep blue eyes; brave and handsome as any other manly man.
Warnings (if applicable): Crack, a donkey in a crisis, a random sunbeam, a lurking fairy and talking inanimate objects. You know, harmless warnings...
Notes: First, we apologise to whoever it is that owns Shrek and Merlin, although we insist that no donkeys, sunbeams and crystal balls were harmed during the writing of this fic. Secondly, a BIG thank you to [info]kabal42 for the wonderful beta job!!!

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