March 4th, 2009

[info]oconel in [info]merlin_fanworks

Fic: The sword or the scabbard?

Title: The sword or the scabbard?
Author: [info]oconel written for [info]merlinarthurfqf
Rating: PG (not too subtle innuendo... But it depends on your dirty mind)
Challenge 1, prompt #9: "A lot of unintentional sword innuendo. That's it. Just unintentional sword innuendo"
Summary: Merlin has trouble with Arthur's sword...
Warnings (if applicable): Silliness?
Words: 1578


[info]lilithilien in [info]merlin_fanworks

FICS: Merlin and RPS

I thought instead of spamming your flist I'd put all these links in one handy post.


To Be King
Merlin is Camelot, distilled in physical form. (Merlin/Arthur, R, 1325 words)

No Other Reason
Merlin is the worst manservant Arthur has ever had. The wonder is that he keeps him around at all. (Merlin/Arthur, Gen, 1160 words)

Dirty Laundry
Uther is not impressed with Merlin. Arthur is. (Merlin/Arthur, NC-17, 500 words)


"If anybody should be called a manwhore, it's you, Colin." (Bradley/Colin, NC-17, 9300 words)

DVD Extras: In These Stones
"Um, it's a bit dark..." Cavesmut, inspired by Colin Morgan's video diary on the Merlin Series One DVD. (Bradley/Colin, NC-17, 2000 words)

DVD Extras: Most Proud Of
Bradley rushing to check on Colin + awkward comment about stunt = overprotective!Bradley fic. (Bradley/Colin, PG, 2000 words)

Mothers Always Know
Bradley can't tell his mum about Colin. (Bradley/Colin, PG, 500 words)

Colin isn't a sorcerer. He has no power, nothing to offer except the rituals of his youth. (Bradley/Colin, Gen, 500 words)