November 2010



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November 9th, 2009

[info]icedark_elf in [info]mercverse



A majority of these links go to Livejournal. If you are one of the authors listed below, and you chose to repost here, please remind me, and I will switch out links for the new IJ links. Thank you.

Just an easy place to link all of them together.

The Merc verse was spawned by various pics people sent me or I found roaming the mass of sites I can't understand. They were full of shinies. Some of the pics are here. If you know of others, send them my way and I'll be more than willing to go "ooh, shiny" and probably write more fic.

The universe is completely open. Only canon at all is the following: Cloud is immortal, Sephiroth is a mage adept, Zack is more than human, and Vincent and Chaos are half-demon twin brothers. Other than that...have at thee.

Edit: And, as added bonus to encourage fanart, I will write a ficlet to any fanart drawn for the Mercverse. Draw me Mercverse art, I write my own special brand of crappy fanfic.

Now, onto the shinies

With [info]houseofsmex, we had a lot of confusion over how to make the archive. Going to keep things simpler over here, as not everyone will be using the same background/canon for it. I'm going to list everything by author. Just to make it easier on myself. *nods* Authors, if you have any blurb or anything you want to write up for me to place under your link, feel free and send it to me.


Icedark Elf )

Tripoverhercats )

Luco Millian )

Yuenoclow )

Edenfalling )

Chofi )

Pegunicent )

MirroredSakura )
Medusalethe )

Forgottenlover )

[info]icedark_elf in [info]mercverse

Fic: Look Out Below

FF7 AU. Basic plot idea: Cloud is an immortal who runs a mercenary group for fun, Sephiroth is the main mage adept in it, Zack isn't fully human, and Vincent Valentine and his brother, Chaos, are half-demon twins. Yep. Twins. If you want someone to blame, here is a collection of the pics that started the whole idea. Want to play in this universe? Feel free. Pretty much you just saw all the real canon for it. Free for all even moreso than HoS. Enjoy.


Look Out Below )

[info]icedark_elf in [info]mercverse

Fic: Stupid People

Because I got showed that awesome art(Go here! It is art by [info]luco_millian), I wrote more Mercverse. Cloud's a snarky little thing. Hope you enjoy this one as well.

Stupid People )

[info]icedark_elf in [info]mercverse

CTA: Get Them While They're Young

Well, here's the first of the Coming Together Arc, where we get to see my idea of how the group connected with each other. Here's Cloud and Zack, the original pair.

Get Them While They're Young )
Tags: , ,

[info]icedark_elf in [info]mercverse

CTA: Packmates

Next part of Getting Together Arc. Time for the twins to show up. Whee! Next up is Seph, and I have plans for him already.

Packmates )

[info]icedark_elf in [info]mercverse

Five Ficlets: Mercverse

Five Ficlets: [info]yuenoclow: Mercverse

”Hyper” )

”Snowflake” )

”Stars” )

”Rhythm” )

”Fly” )

[info]icedark_elf in [info]mercverse

Five Ficlets: Mercverse Plushies

More ficlets.

Sugar )

Spice )

Nice )

Puppy" )

Coo )

Sugar: Duo and Zack
Duo from Gundam Wing
Zack from FF7

Spice: Gene and Zack
Gene from Outlaw Star
Zack from FF7

Puppy: Naruto and Vash
Naruto from Naruto
Vash from Trigun

Coo: Goku and Gojyo
Goku from Saiyuki
Gojyo from Saiyuki

[info]icedark_elf in [info]mercverse

Fic: Quiet

Random Sephiroth snippet. Enjoy.

Quiet )

*runs away now*