August 6th, 2023



[No Subject]


The Moment After Meme

You've seen The Morning After, and the Build-Up, and even the Mid-Fuck memes. But what about the moment after characters have done the deed? Do they cuddle or light up a cigarette? Go for seconds or reflect on what just happened? Hop into the shower to wash away their sins? Regret everything?

Well, we'll find out, won't we?

How it works:

- Post with your character, name and fandom in the subject. Include any prefs or no-no's.
- A set-up isn't necessary but hey, if you want, go for it!
- Others respond to your character.
- Congrats! They just had sex.
- Have fun!



[No Subject]


The Traveling Meme

You're on your way from point A to point B, and you've chosen one of the many forms of communal conveyance to do so! Let's see what your trip looks like today.

  1. Train: The Orient Express if you're feeling fancy, your standard intercity line if you're not, but no matter how humble the train there's always a little bit of romance to the rail.
  2. Plane: It may be the type of travel we least look forward to. Go ahead and stuff your character in coach--unless they're one of the blessed few who can afford knee room in business class.
  3. Ship: The heyday of the grand passenger liners, a tall ship (preferably with a star to steer her by), or the ferry.
  4. Bus: Whether it's a school bus, a Greyhound, or your regular commuter ride... we know you're not wearing the seatbelt like you're supposed to.
  5. Stagecoach: Some old-timey fun!
  6. Airship: Listen, JRPGs had it right when they decided these should be a normal thing.
  7. Spaceship: For that sci-fi feel! To boldly get Ubered where no one has Ubered before.


  1. I brought a book for a REASON: You're just trying to make this journey in peace and quiet but for the person in the seat next to you....
  2. Stalled: Well, now you're really not there yet, because your mode of transport has stopped working--thrown a wheel or can't get off the tarmac or lost the breeze. Better figure out something to do in the meantime.
  3. Stand and deliver! Dammit, it's bandits, or robbers, or some other kind of ne'er do well--or maybe you're the one pulling the heist.
  4. Running: Not literally, obviously, but you're trying to get away from something bad. Let's hope it's not catching up to you a few seats down....
  5. Disaster! This isn't just inconvenient, it's catastrophic! Good thing you're here to save the day, right? ...Right?
  6. Actually having a nice time: It's just pleasant to sit and look out windows while someone else does the steering, you know?