July 6th, 2023



[No Subject]


The wonderful thing about RP is that it provides a form of escapism from our humdrum modern lives. Anyway, let's play barbies if they were co-workers in an office and exploit an environment rich for interpersonal conflict and awkward romance.

how to play

Comment with your character and a few lines about what KRAGOR THE BONECRUSHER is like in an office environment
Tag around with others like it's a Christmas mingle and you're two drinks in

prompt ideas

the new girl - maybe it's your character's first day, maybe it's their first real job or maybe they're showing the new guy the ropes
did you get my email - a catch-all prompt for emailing or texting back and forth
office pranks - obviously this is setting you up to RP Jim putting KRAGOR THE BONECRUSHER'S stapler in jello
called into hr - this can be a gen thread for some chiding or maybe it's an excuse for some flirting
lunch break liaison - your characters "forgot" their sandwich, or maybe their cute co-worker packed them a lunch? maybe the cafe downstairs sucks and so they go for a drive. maybe they take a 2 hour lunch break.
corporate getaway - catch-all for business travel, sharing hotel rooms, can't believe they only had one big bed and we had to share etc etc
work wife - a catch-all for juicy secretary/boss relationships, workplace crushes on your deskmate or the receptionist and maybe a budding relationship built on a mutual hate of printers
impress the boss (/performance review) - how your character chooses to make a good impression is their business. maybe they're the boss? maybe they're just ambitious Assistant to the Regional Manager.
charity dinners - characters are obligated to arrange some sort of offsite dinner or event and all the stress that comes with that
didn't know you existed out of work - nothing more awkward than seeing your boss on the weekend, except maybe if your boss invites themself to have lunch with you



[No Subject]


🍂 Cabin in the Woods 🎃

A night in the woods, a staple of any idyllic autumn! You don't have service out here, so there's no need to worry about pesky things like phone calls or text messages. Don't worry about noise pollution, either; there's not single soul around. You're so far out of the way, in fact, that no one can hear you scream! Isn't that fun?

how to play;
  • Comment with your character and whether you prefer things be sweet or scary.
  • Reply to others.
  • Enjoy your time at the cabin in the woods!

🍬 treats;

  1. campfires: Warm the hands, warm the heart.
  2. one bed: When you booked this cabin, you hadn't expected their to be one bed. Or maybe you did! You planned this all along, didn't you?
  3. board games: Fuck yeah, board games! Monopoly! Card games! Chutes and Ladders!
  4. truth or dare: When you're trapped together indoors, truth or dare is as good a game as any to have some fun.
  5. spin the bottle: Depending on how big your party is, this game might have a pretty predictable ending.
  6. night hike: Enjoy the sights, and the sounds, and maybe take a few pictures for the blog?
  7. swimming: A relaxing dip in the lake... or maybe skinny dipping?
  8. cooking: The obligatory smut option. Is it as you'd expect, or do your differences raise their heads here, too?
  9. mushroom hunting: It's a growing hobby, scavenging the woods in search of the perfect chanterelles to complete your collection. Ideal for nerds and day-trippers alike.
  10. tarot cards: A fun way to get to know someone better!
  11. movie nights: Hard pass on the horror, thanks. This is a Disney house.
  12. hot cocoa: Or coffee, or tea, or even a hot mug of milk! Whatever it takes to keep your hands warm and your belly full.
  13. hot tub: No ideal cabin in the woods would be complete with a steaming hot tub to keep you warm!
  14. karaoke: At least way out in these woods, no one can hear how bad you sound?
  15. camping: Maybe you prefer to forgo the cabin and get right up next to nature.

💀 tricks;

  1. ouija board: Is there someone you're looking to talk to? Well, you've just found yourself a portal to the other side.
  2. killer: A place so remote makes easy pickings for a killer. And, being so far off the main road, what are the chances of them getting caught? Better start running.
  3. ghosts: They tried to warn you about the haunted cabin, but you didn't want to listen. Now look: you're waking up with scratches, and some ghost decided it would be fun to chuck your laptop in the lake.
  4. trapped: A cabin in the woods isn't nearly as nice when you're being held here against your will.
  5. snapped: You've been here too long and it's messing with you. Now you know why Jack snapped in The Shining.
  6. forbidden: You're trespassing, but what's the worst that could happen? The owner of this cabin finds you laid up in their bed and decides to dole out punishments? ...Nah.
  7. werewolves: Did you know this place was cursed by werewolves? No? All right, well, now you know. Don't make any sudden movements and they might not see you.
  8. running: Something's chasing you and you've got to make a run for it! Just, for the love of God, don't fall.
  9. split up: Something's gone bump in the night and your friends all decided to split up. Bad move in hindsight. Now they've got you right where they want you...
  10. is anyone there?: A classic case of an unwelcome addition on what was supposed to be a perfect vacation. Better go check it out.
  11. dead body: Doesn't matter who they were before. They're dead now, and now you have a mystery on your hands. And, you know, a lot to be afraid of.
  12. monster: You don't even have a word to describe this creature. It's not a ghost. It's not a goblin. It's something far, far worse.
  13. weapons: Arming yourself is important when you don't know what's out there. Start small. Like a frying pan.
  14. breakdown: There's only so much cabin horror you can take before you completely lose it. Hopefully you have someone at your side to put you together again.
  15. the end: There's no winning this one. Either you go out on your own terms or you surrender yourself to whatever it is that's tormenting you.




[No Subject]




How to play -

1. Comment with your character's name, fandom and preference in the subject line.

2. In the comment field, leave at least two song titles (links welcome) from your character's playlist for others to choose between.

3. Others leave a starter for your character with a scenario inspired by one of the songs.

4. Thread it out!
