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Jan. 6th, 2011



Alright guys, you got yourself a new mod here. Two new mods actually. Your resident Tina and Mercedes are getting down to business.

I know we're all bummed to see Justine and Joie go, but I'm sure I can speak for all of us when I saw we wish them the best. Hopefully, this will not discourage any of you from the game. Michelle and I have no intention of changing things up too much. Jsquared was running a pretty tight ship, and we want to keep it that way. But there will be a few minor changes to the rules to keep an eye out for. But nothing that should effect gameplay too much. Promise. :)

Now I have something to ask all of you... PIMP. THIS. GAME. We have a ready and willing Santana on hold and a curious Artie. But we still need a Finn and a Quinn. And we're also opening Jacob back up as a playable character. And we lost our Terri recently, so we could use one of her too. So pimp pimp pimp. Thank you.

Now, some major plot points are going to be changed once we get new players. For example, all the stuff with Artie and Quinn and Tina is sort of in limbo at the moment. Once we get A and Q replaced, we'll talk plot and figure everything out. So anyone who was even just slightly involved in all that drama might wanna keep a lookout on that. And any other major plots involving the characters we lost. Limbo.

Both Michelle's and my contact information is all in the directory. We're here for you. We want this transition to be smooth as possible and we hope that, if anything, we can only improve this game. So let's get this party started!


Jan. 5th, 2011


Hey gang,

We have some news for you all. While we have enjoyed modding and playing at [info]mckinley_high, we unfortunately both have some unexpected real life obligations that need to take precedent right now. Due to this we don't see it possible for either of us to give the community or our characters the proper attention they deserve and will be resigning from the game.

We understand that this affects you all and we really don't want to pull the rug out from under you and leave you gameless. Therefore, if someone would like to adopt the community and take over modding responsibility we will gladly give you the info and you can take it from there. If you are interested please contact the mod email (


Joie & Justine

Jan. 1st, 2011


Hey gang, Amanda/[info]hysterria is no longer in the game. Please run the friending button to reflect the change~


ETA Aims is on hiatus, her internet is down!

Dec. 16th, 2010


finals schedule for MH

Since finals are spanned over a week here's how it's broken down I guess~

Wednesday (15th) - 1st & 2nd period
Thursday (16th) - 3rd period
Friday (17th) - 4th period
Monday (20th) - 5th period
Tuesday (21st) - 6th period
Wednesday (22nd) - 7th period & makeups

WINTER BREAKKKK~ I dunno when that ends yet. We'll keep you posted.

Dec. 14th, 2010


new character alert!

New Kurt! Lilly already posted an intro and stuff so hit that up here!

Here is the friending button updated! :)

Dec. 9th, 2010


Hi all,

We just wanted to give our side of the situation.

Our number one rule in this game is that we are anti-godmodding. We've had to deal with it before in previous games and we have already taken care of some other issues regarding it in this game as well. It's very easy to do, even when you have no malicious or negative intent behind it, and we strongly believe that all responsible RPers should be conscious of not doing so, accidentally or purposefully. We've posted here before about how it's important to double check with players to make sure that something happened "behind the scenes" that wasn't necessarily logged out in the main community or in a character journal, and this extends to things that happen in the show too. We do those posts weekly giving people an opportunity to declare the things they'd like to incorporate into their canon, but, again, it's always just a good idea to double check with a player.

When incidents occur in which one player informs us that they feel as though they have been god-modded, we take it very seriously. Perhaps our methods in this situation may not have been methods you would have chosen to do if you were in our shoes, but we can only mod as best as we know how. (If you have suggestions for how we can mod [info]mckinley_high better, we are definitely open to that too.) While we usually are on various IM services if we're online, we may also choose to communicate via email if we're away from the computer. Either way, though, we're usually available.

I think we all want to be treated with respect in this game and strive to treat others with the same respect as well. We understand that the game moves in real-time. It can be hard to have your character plot or discuss his or her life if you feel as though something is unresolved with another character. Again, though, we've posted about this before-- if you are wondering how things have been going between characters when you haven't had time to play them, PLEASE communicate with the player to determine this. If you can't get ahold of the player, PLEASE contact us immediately so we can attempt to help. Also, please try to understand that extenuating circumstances in this crazy thing we called life can sometimes get in the way of this game that, hopefully, we all enjoy and with which we have fun. Trying to work around a slow-moving plot takes creativity, but it can be done. All of our characters are so rich and multifaceted (isn't that a part of why we all love this show and this universe, anyway?); a single relationship is not the only thing your character has going for him or herself.

Finally, if you feel as though you are being godmodded, PLEASE contact us. Seriously. We're usually around and we check our email a lot. Also, despite the characters we play, we're nice people. (And if you don't think we're nice people, please bring that up too.) This shouldn't need to be said so explicitly, too, but if you feel as though you're having issues, PLEASE also talk to the player about them. Be upfront. Compromise is good and all but explain why you feel as though you may be compromising.

Thanks & please don't hesitate to talk to us.
Justine & Joie

Dec. 8th, 2010


Long overdue news: Krista dropped Sunshine and Devon and is no longer in the game. Paulina dropped Janessa.

Run the friending button to remove them.

Some new news: Now that we are on hiatus, we are planning on introducing random character match ups to rp together just for something fun to do while we wait for Glee to come back! Plus it will encourage more diverse character interactions and just be interesting to see how we make these plots between unlikely characters plausible. ;) So look out for that next week. As usual, use the next week to wrap up any show canon you want to include in the game (bar from the super Christmas stuff that will be more appropriate when it's closer to the holiday) and then we'll give you more details about this!

If anyone has questions, comments, or concerns, let us know!

Nov. 25th, 2010


Character announcements

Hi everyone,

Some slight changes:

1) Hetty is stepping down from [info]finner due to time constraints but will be continuing on with [info]st_showface. Some lady named Joie that I've never heard of is picking up [info]finner so woot about that. No friending button changes necessary here, obviously!

2) [info]you_enchant_me is now an open (with limits) character. This means that if you want to have Jacob post something, feel free to write up a post and submit it to our email and we'll go ahead and post it. Keep in mind that Jacob can only post about things that he would logically have been able to overhear/see at school or read about in the journals, unless you have a logical and appropriate explanation. The same thing goes for if you want to log/plot with Jacob for whatever reason. Run your ideas by us and we'll work something out. :)


Happy thanksgiving to all, even those who are not from the United States :)

Nov. 23rd, 2010


New character alert

Heather has brought us the OC [info]ifeelflames. Run the friending button!

Nov. 20th, 2010


new character alert!

Megan has brought us a Shelby Corcoran ([info]dreamingadream)! Run the friending button. :)

Nov. 17th, 2010


friends' list changes

please run the friending button. we now have a blaine ([info]theteendream, played by aims), and nicole has dropped carl as a character.


Nov. 14th, 2010



Couple things:

1. New layout on mod/rpg/ooc comm, yay!
2. Is there any character missing a tag? Just noticed Jaz didn't have one and added it. Anyone else? Any pairing tags needed? I added Kurt/Matt, but if anyone else needs any tags let us know so we can take care of it.
3. Just a note that generally only complete/incomplete tags need to be used on logs/threads, just so you guys know :) Usually emails and texts don't have a definite time span so they aren't really necessary for them.
4. Check out your incomplete logs/threads and wrap them up/close them if they're old.

Questions/concerns/comments? Let us know :)

Nov. 12th, 2010


new character alert!

Hey everyone, we have a new original character: Ava ([info]farfromit), played by Heather.

Friending button has been updated!

Nov. 10th, 2010


new character alert!

Hey everyone! We now have a Hank Saunders ([info]whereislove), played by Manna! You can check out her friending meme response here.

ATTN MANNA: Too lazy to dig in the mod journal for your app and respond there, but maybe you want to put the part you wrote on asexuality in his journal so people can read that? :)

Friending button has been updated :)

Nov. 4th, 2010


new character alert!

Hey everyone, we have a new original character: Preston ([info]smthngabtcellos), played by Megan.

Friending button has been updated! :)

Oct. 24th, 2010


modly stuff~

Important: We've updated the rules for the game. Everyone should read them and let us know that they have done so and that they understand them. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to comment on this post or if you need more one on one talking, contact either Joie or Justine directly.


Also announcing that we have three new characters:
- Devon ([info]devon_bishop) played by Krista - character history here
- Madison ([info]mad_madison) played by Tina - character history here
- Owen ([info]owenreese) played by Michelle - character history here

Friending button has been updated, and we'll let you know when we have a character journal for Owen, so check back on this post!

Oct. 21st, 2010


new character alert!

Hey everyone, announcing that we now have a Terri ([info]hysterria), played by Amanda! Everyone say haiiii.

Run the friending button. :)

Oct. 20th, 2010


new character alert!

Hey guys! Announcing a new original character, Anna ([info]sexydrummerchic), played by Kat. View character history here.

Please run the friending button. :)

Oct. 18th, 2010


new character alert!

Hey everyone, Paulina has brought us a new original character, Janessa ([info]itsjanessa), who is a Glee Club hopeful!

Run the friending button. And have a happy Monday ;)

Oct. 16th, 2010


new character alert!

Hey everyone! Just letting you all know we have a new Burt ([info]hummel_senior), played by Betsy! Check out her friending meme.

Also, run the friending button!

Betsy, currently in game, Burt is still in a coma from his heart attack. Spider, who plays Kurt, laid out a time line for him to wake up Sunday I think. You two can go over more details about that :)

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