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Sep. 16th, 2011


Season 3 Roll Call!

We're looking at the season 3 premiere here this week, so consider this your call to action for the new season! If you are interested in sticking with us going into season three, PLEASE let us know in a comment to this post -- this is your official season three roll call. The deadline to opt in is one week: Friday, September 23rd, but feel free to plot and play and tackle the new ep as soon as it airs, :)

For those of you who joined us during the hiatus, this is how things will work when new episodes begin to air (returning players, consider this a refresher!). From the game FAQ... )

Another issue we need to address is new canon characters. A character will be considered fair game for play after their first episode airs, but keep in mind if you decide to pick up a new character, it may be very early in their development. Likewise, if a character leaves the show or is downgraded to a smaller role, they will not necessarily vanish in game.

Things have slowed down a lot in the run up to season 3, but we're hoping new episodes will motivate people to interact a bit more -- if you need any help with plotlines or have any questions, feel free to drop a line in our Contact A Mod page or email one or both of us!

Happy season 3! XD

Confirmed players )

Aug. 22nd, 2011


Modly post

Hey everyone!

It's been a while since we've had a mod post so I just wanted to check in.
We've got less than a month until the start of Season 3.

In the next few days, we'll be doing an activity check. I know people are busy getting settled back into school or new jobs or whatnot but if you could all take a minute and comment here, that'd be great. We'd just like to know that you're still around, anything you'd like to do with your character or someone else's character, anything you've been plotting behind the scenes, etc. Just to get an idea of what we've got going on or what we can do to get you going.

Also, if you have any concerns, don't forget that you can use our Contact a Mod page or poke one of us online.

Jul. 16th, 2011


Player Updates

Just popping in really quick to let you all know that we now have a Puck and a Sam in the game.
Make sure to run the friending button so you can add them and help integrate them into the plot of the game.

And don't forget about the Friending Meme and the Character Meme! /pimp

Jul. 7th, 2011


Just a quick update!

Hey Everybody :D
Just wanted let you know a few updates!

We've now got a Tina and Artie (as you've seen from their OOC posts)! Also, there was an issue with the Friending Button not adding Matt's journal that's been fixed, so make sure you run it to add him!

-We still need a Puck and a Lauren (and a Sam if the hold expires tomorrow without an app placed) to fill in our happy ND family, so if you know any friends that are looking for a game, send them on over! We also would love some more adults, some OCs, and maybe even some Warblers if anyone is so inclined. Also, if you have any ideas on good places to advertise, let us know! We've posted to some places but we'd like to find some more Glee specific places to advertise.

-If you're bored and your character has nothing to do, pop in on the Hudmel's 4th of July BBQ party thread! Everyone is invited, so come on over!

-So, let's talk summer!
The summer is a great opportunity for group logs! Parties, trips, sleepovers, concerts, pool parties! What do you guys want to do? Do you have any suggestions?
I saw a potential birthday party for Quinn hosted by Mike Chang and maybe a trip to Six Flags for anyone who wants to go? What can we do to get everyone active and having fun?

-ALSO! Don't forgot to check in on the Character Meme and the Friending Meme to get to know your fellow characters and fellow players better. If you've already got comments on your character in the Character Meme, go ahead and send a reply and maybe work out a log or a plotline with someone! Use it as a way to build some connections. Not many people- myself included, oops- have filled these out yet, so hop to it!

-And lastly, if you see any dead links or any info that needs updating, please let us know! We've feel we've got everything organized but you can never be too sure.

Ok then, I think I've rambled enough.
Happy playing!

Melly OUT

Jun. 30th, 2011


Mod post- Application and Character Hold Rule change

Now that the game is underway, we have a few rule adjustments to make. These shouldn’t affect you as the game is now, as they pertain to the Applications and Holds of new characters.

After the first major influx of applications and holds, we realized that there were some flaws in the rules already set down from the past game that we felt the need to address and change. We didn’t anticipate this problem before re-opening the games, which is why we had to scramble to try and fix things now.

Here are the new guidelines for placing holds/applications:

- One hold per player at one time.
- Now that the game is in session, we will be imposing a two week waiting period between applications. This applies if you are going for a second character or your third. Within that two week period, we’d like to see players actively- logging and interacting through journals with the character they already have in play. This is to prove that you have the capability to keep more than one character active at the same time. We’d hate to have a character neglected when another player has the potential to be more active and have the character more involved in the game. A hold cannot be placed until after the 2 week period has ended.

We’ve also had to address the game’s Character Limits, as we felt they were a little too vague. These are our clarifications to be imposed from now on.

- Each player is allowed 3 characters:
-One New Directions member/Main character* and 2 non-main character*/OC per player (with exception to what we've already approved) or 3 OCs.
*Main character applies to any of the main New Directions kids or any characters that have had ample screen time or a main story arc in Glee seasons 1 and 2 (i.e. Dave Karofsky, Blaine Anderson). Also, Mr. Schuester, Sue Sylvester, and Emma Pillsbury are considered Main Characters. If you have any questions on the status of any characters, please consult the Mods.

If you have any questions about our new rules, please feel free to ask here or drop a line into the Contact-A-Mod page.

Jun. 24th, 2011


Restart: go, :)

Hey guys -- today was our official start date, so everyone is more than welcome to start posting: journal entries, rp scenes, aim chats, anything goes, :)

As for timeline, we've decided to keep things simple, so we can jump into summer plotting quickly: Nationals will take place tomorrow (Saturday, June 25th), with the kids back in Ohio on Monday, and then from there, feel free to move on to cookouts and pool parties and summer jobs. As always, if anyone wants to go back and fill in missing scenes or moments prior to Nationals, feel free to backdate a scene -- and if there is still plotting to be had, you're all welcome to do it here!

We do have some new faces, so feel free to make our new players feel welcome. Again, character meme and friending meme are both open and active now, so have fun! :)

Jun. 22nd, 2011



Hey there everyone! I just wanted to pop in to let you all know that the Character and the Player Friending Meme are ready to go for you to post on. So, hop on over to these links and get started!

Use the Character Meme to start talking about plotlines between characters HERE.
(If your character isn't on there, let me know and I'll add a thread for them.)

Use the Player Friending Meme to get to know your fellow RP players HERE.

Jun. 18th, 2011


BELATED Episode Discussion/Plotting for S2 Finale

As you can see, we have incoming players! All unclaimed characters are officially back on the market, so Justine, Joie, and Saskia are (re-)entering the fold -- just in time for plotting, :)

Since the game freeze went into effect before the end of Season 2 (Just after "Rumours"), we are opening a discussion post here for everyone to plot for the final episodes in preparation for our grand reopening, :) We will be advertising heavily over the next few days, and hope to draw in some new players this week, so we're planning to reopen for season finale scenes next Friday, June 24th -- in the meantime, here is your (very belated!) episode discussion post for 02x22 "New York" -- and if any one needs to discuss/plot for the last few episodes before that, feel free to do that here, too!


(The season finale is fair game for play upon restart; if you are deciding to keep something from the finale canon, please add discussion about when you think the event will happen over the next week so we can have an established chronology.)

Jun. 10th, 2011


Status update and final roll call, :)

Okay, guys -- we've got lots of new announcements, and lots of new developments.

FIRST: new mods! Michelle has retired, and Katie has turned the game over to us, Melly and Stacey, and we'll be working to revamp, reboot, and reopen the game. We're sending out a mass email to everyone on the contact list, so for those of you who don't know us, Melly plays Kurt, and Stacey plays Blaine and now Carole. Melly will be serving as primary mod, and Stacey as co-mod, so if you need anything at all, please don't hesitate to contact one of us; we'll be reopening the Page-A-Mod feature, and you can email/IM/message either of us through our character journals, as well.

SECOND: we need to get an accurate count of who is sticking around and who is opting out of the game, so we can update the character list and open it for new applications -- which is why we're calling for a head count. Everyone will have one (1) week to respond with your name, character(s), and contact info. After the deadline, all unclaimed characters will be put back up for grabs, so please get back to us quickly if you want to make sure you keep your characters!

Click for more information, including a list of confirmed players, revised canon guidelines, and plans for the reboot... )

TL;DR: Game restarting, let us know if you want in, :)

Hope to see you all back here soon!

~Melly & Stacey

Jun. 2nd, 2011


Hey guys, this is your friendly mod Michelle retiring from her job.

The game is now turned over to your permanent co-mod Katie. I'm really not sure what you guys wish to do with this game, and whatever you want to do is up to you.

I'll leave this post here as a planning post where you can decide to either revamp the game, close it, ect ect.

Happy Trails and run the friending button to remove my characters from your friend list.

I wish you all well,

May. 13th, 2011


Hey, guys! :) Just wanted to let you know that we have a new Finn ([info]finntastical) brought to us by a new player, Emily. So you can go ahead and run the updated friending button right on over here!

Also, your temporary mod is me, aka Kat. I play Anna, for those who can't put a name to a character like me.

Hopefully the freeze will lift soon, once we get more characters. Start pimping this place out! ;)

♥ Kat

May. 4th, 2011


Episode Stuff AND FREEZE (02x20 "Rumours")

Hey guys, I've decided to place a semi-freeze on the game. It will still be running and it will be available to you if you feel the desire to log/thread/journal ect, but you shouldn't feel pressured to post any longer. I hope to recruit more players before we lift the freeze so that we can have more interaction.

Consider this a break if you will, and once the game is back in business, I will notify you by email.


(If you are deciding to keep something show canon, please add discussion about when you think the event will happen over the next week so we can have an established chronology.)

Mar. 16th, 2011


Mel here

Hey guys, I've been meaning to make this post for a couple days now. I was going to yesterday, but then I fell into a Kliss coma. :| I am not ashamed.

However! The point of this post is to announce a very much needed hiatus. My brain has been kind of all over the place lately. A lot of RL stuff going down that has just left me with little motivation to RP. So what I'm hoping is that a nice break away from it will re-incite my muse and get me my motivation back! :D

So Michelle will be running this ship on her own for a while. I can't give an exact amount of time for my hiatus. I am anticipating about a month. Probably around the time this hiatus ends. Which blows, I know. So much potential AU plot I will be missing out on. But alas. Oh! But as for my characters, I'm keeping pretty much everything that has been in canon for them since BIOTA. So Will is dating Holly. Tina is with Mike. And they haven't really had too much cray cray plot, so we're good.

To our newest players, I'm sorry I haven't been around much and haven't gotten to know you very much. When I do come back, hopefully that will all change.

Let's remain optimistic, right? Mkay. Well, while I am away, I will miss you all. Be good for Michelle and think of me fondly.

Peace out, yo.
-Mel Mod

Feb. 25th, 2011


Sad neeeeewwwws. And then some other stuff.

Some sad news, due to RL obligations, Saskia is no longer going to be playing with us. So please defriend
[info]brittbritt and [info]mattattack.

Also, just in case ya'll were wondering, I seem to have come down with a nasty cold, possibly flu. But I will be around this weekend for PARTAY shenanigans. If you wish to thread, just let me know. I'm looking at'chu Cherry. ;D And anyone else who wants some Tina action. Also, Betsy, how convenient that this last episode had fun times with Schue and Beiste around the same time we were planning fun times for them?! :D

ETA: JUST TO CLEAR UP ANY FUTURE CONFUSION: Anything that happens in an episode will be happening in game AFTER the episode airs. Unless stated or requested otherwise. I think that's how we've always done it. And we'd like to try to get all those plots wrapped up before the next episode. So we have another full week to get everything that happened in this episode in, and whatever we may like to add.

So Aims, it's up to you if you'd like Rachel's party to be this weekend, or if you want to hold off till next weekend. Either way, this upcoming week is Alcohol Awareness Week at McKinley. And then the Assembly will be going down next Monday. Hope that helped! Now party hard.

-Mel Mod

Feb. 23rd, 2011


New Character Alert!

We got a Beiste! :D Brought to us by Betsy. ([info]s_beiste ) Woot!

Run the friending button

Feb. 16th, 2011




(If you are deciding to keep something show canon, please add discussion about when you think the event will happen over the next week so we can have an established chronology.)

Feb. 13th, 2011


New Character Alert!

So we got two new OC's for ya. Kat is gonna be bringing us another lovely lady going by the name of Aubrey ([info]silentaubrey) and welcome to the game, Brandy! (slow claaaaaap) Who will be bringing us Janesa ([info]janesa).
Run the friending button

Feb. 10th, 2011


Being modly and ssh. :3

Alrighty, got an annoucement.

Since nobody does them anyway (xP) we will no longer be doing the Weekly Glee Rehearsal Thread. Le sigh...

However, the rehearsal time for Glee shall remain the same. Every Tuesday and Wednesday after school. In the Episode Discussion posts, if your character is performing a song in Glee, you can decide whatever day that falls on and just mention it there. For example, Tina performed "My Funny Valentine" (completely) yesterday during Glee. ;D

Also, Michelle, since you're not online atm (which is fine because I shouldn't even be online right now O.o) I wanna talk to you about when the Championship game is going down. I'm thinking this Saturday, if that works for ya. :)

Okay, that's mostly all. Also, sorry I've been kinda MIA lately. But feel free to attack me by email whenever you need me, Tina or Schue for anything. Or the rare moments when I am actually on AIM. Even if I'm "away", attack me anyway. Chances are I'm just being lazy. But I wont bite you. ^_^

-Mel the Mod.

Jan. 21st, 2011


New Character Alert!

We have a new Finn. Woot! ([info]finnocence5) played by Lizzie.
Run the friending button

Jan. 7th, 2011


Quick note

The kids go back to school on Monday. So they have one more weekend of freedom.

Therefore, any and all Gleeks should know that I will resume posting the Weekly Rehearsal posts. This is your opportunity to have your character perform a song that you'd maybe love to hear them do on the show. Anything and everything is open. From solos to duets, etc...

So, go crazy!

-Melissa, a Mod

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