October 21st, 2010

[info]santa_santana in [info]mckinley_ooc

Thursday Drama-- (ps, ATTN MELISSA)

just wanted to let you all know that Santana is wearing a negligee to school for pajama day and that at Thursday's glee rehearsal she and Mike are doing a scandalous duet of the following song:

And it was inappropriate. And Santana did the 3OH!3 rap and Mike did Ke$ha's part (cue the lulz).

So.... yeah. This is obviously news.

Melissa, how does Tina feel about this?
a) jealous
b) disturbed
c) turned on
d) apathetic
e) like vomiting
f) ___________

[info]mckinley_mod in [info]mckinley_ooc

new character alert!

Hey everyone, announcing that we now have a Terri ([info]hysterria), played by Amanda! Everyone say haiiii.

Run the friending button. :)

[info]thequinnbee in [info]mckinley_ooc

more homecoming details

In addition to the homecoming plotting post here are some more details.

So this is the general time frame for Homecoming:
- Dance starts at 8
- Artie DJs until 9:30ish
- Ethan's band plays until 10-10:15ish
- Homecoming Court and King & Queen announced
- Artie DJs again
- Dance ends at 12

In case anyone is going to start logging stuff in advance for the dance for Saturday night here is the info...

There will be a mass thread for the dance with a couple locations:
- Dance floor
- DJ booth
- Drinks station
- Bathrooms

Everywhere else in the school will probably be off limits (you know how those pesky teachers get about kids sneaking off for some play), though you can talk to Melissa or Paulina if you want to get caught by Mr. Schue or Ms. Pillsbury trying to get away.

Rachel's house layout:
First floor
- living room
- bathroom
- guest room
- kitchen
- dining room

Second floor
- Rachel’s room (neatly written sign saying “please keep out” with a star on the end of it)
- Dads’ room (locked, Rachel has key)
- upstairs guest room
- upstairs bathroom

Basement - aka: The Rachel Berry Museum (enter at your own risk)

Backyard - spacious yard with a large deck, a swinging bench, large flower bed, tree with a tire swing and swimming pool.


If I missed anything or if anyone has questions or concerns, comment away~

[info]holmesboy in [info]mckinley_ooc

Hey guys. I know the Battle of the Bands thread has been posted already, but I just wanted to give you links to the songs that Study in Scarlet performed. In my mind, they sound a lot like the band Cartel (who are epic, check them if you're unfamiliar!), so I'll be stealing two of their songs and pretending that their band doesn't exist. :P

First off is Honestly (which is unintentionally perfect all things considered *coughsantanacough*), and then there's a brill cover of Wonderwall. :)