October 20th, 2010

[info]mckinley_mod in [info]mckinley_ooc

new character alert!

Hey guys! Announcing a new original character, Anna ([info]sexydrummerchic), played by Kat. View character history here.

Please run the friending button. :)

[info]mckinley_mod in [info]mckinley_ooc

Finn & moar homecoming

We now have a new Finn, thanks to Hetty! Find him at [info]finner. Here's the friending button!

Use this space to plot, plz.

PS we updated the Homecoming post. Please note that Finn, Rachel, Janessa, Sunshine, Mercedes, and Anna are going stag. Aims, can we get a layout of Rachel's house?

[info]sexydrummerchic in [info]mckinley_ooc

Hello, hello. :D My name is Kat, and I bring to McKinley High Ms. Anna Roberts. ♥ Everything about her is in her profile, so you can look here but for tl;dr...

Anna was raised in Los Angeles with her mother, father, and three older brothers. Being the only girl and wanting to fit in, she acted and hung out with her brothers all the time, eventually falling under the 'tomboy' label. She loves playing volleyball, snowboarding, but most of all playing the drums. She plays the drums for the school's Jazz Band and sometimes for the Glee Club, when they need a drummer for something. She's played since she was about 8, so she's not half bad. She's kinda sarcastic, but kind-hearted and loyal. She can definitely be a bitch, but what girl isn't. :P

Ummm plot with the new girl please? :) Anna's AIM is annawillbangyou and my personal AIM is kaydizzfoshizz. :D