March 10th, 2012

[info]greateststar in [info]mckinley_high

AIM Log: Kurt, Santana, Blaine, Quinn

Who: Kurt, Santana
What: Santana has a fever, Kurt’s kind of irritated.
When: Late Friday night
Rating: PG

kuuuuuuurt )

Who: Kurt, Blaine
What: Kurt wants to know why Blaine jumps when Santana says jump. Also, it’s anniversary time.
When: Late Friday night
Rating: PG

But Blaine… you don’t even live in Lima. )

Who: Kurt, Quinn
What: Quinn wants Kurt to smuggle in home cooked food to the hospital. Kurt is happy to oblige.
When: Late Friday night.
Rating: PG

Where did you learn to cook, Kurt? )

[info]mediumdrip in [info]mckinley_high

AIM log: Blaine with Santana, Quinn

[Note: There was a group IC chat last night that took place between these two logs, which is a nightmare to format; I can do it if necessary, but I don't think anything really extremely plot heavy happened in it, except what is referenced in these logs. Mostly it was chaotic, worlds-collide, in-character fun, with some teasing and bickering and confusion, :) Also, trying a new formatting method to streamline the process, argh.]

Who: Santana, Blaine
What: Santana is sick, and Blaine doesn't stop to think before he acts.
When: Friday night, near curfew, March 9, 2010
Rating: PG

i don't think i can drive )

Who: Quinn, Blaine
What: Quinn gets overwhelmed in the middle of a group chat and flees; Blaine goes quiet in chat while he checks on her.
When: late Friday night, March 9, 2012 - after Blaine's foray out to get Santana, and overlapping with the end of the Kurt/Blaine convo below
Rating: PG

Make it all go away? )

[info]greateststar in [info]mckinley_high

AIM Log: Group Chat

[Note: Because I'm apparently bonkers, I formatted the chat - or at least as long as Kurt was in - for people to see and read. *collapses*]

Who: Kurt, Blaine, Santana, Quinn, Diego, Jeff, Rachel, Finn, Erik, Will
What: Santana is sick and loopy, Diego is old, Quinn is trying to keep her mind off things with Blaine’s help, Rachel and Kurt are planning for the future, Finn’s happy to see Rachel, Jeff and Erik make plans for game night, and Will can’t understand why as a teacher he’s forced to see these things…
When: Late Friday night
Rating: PG-13

But this is a good sign. Glass half full and all that. )

[info]mediumdrip in [info]mckinley_high

Group e-mail -- see To: field below for list...

To: Kurt []; Rachel []; Finn []; Artie []; Mike []; Tina []; Sam []; Rory []; Mercedes []; Sugar []; Brittany []; Puck []; Jeff []; Nick []; Erik []; Burt Hummel []; Carole Hummel []
Subject: Surprise party at the Montgomerys next Saturday

cut for length )

[info]pezbitch in [info]mckinley_high

in which santana is horrified at her fever logs

so i ended up passing out in the middle of that chat. it turns out i'm legit really sick - i still have a fever, the aches, the shakes. i think i was delirious last night but i checked my logs, and i was an ASS.

blaine )

kurt )

jeff )

i don't THINK i was specifically rude to anyone else, but i was just generally obnoxious to everyone, so for that i apologize.

[info]greateststar in [info]mckinley_high

RP Thread: Kurt & Blaine, anniversary time

Who: Kurt, Blaine
Where: Blaine's house
What: Has it been a year already? This calls for a celebratory boxing lesson.
When: Saturday afternoon
Rating: PG, but we'll see how it goes...

I think that one looks like a dolphin )

May 2012



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