March 3rd, 2012

[info]beautifulquinn in [info]mckinley_high

"The world tilts back and pours and pours..."

Who: Quinn (and anyone else who is interested in playing)
Where: Lima General Hospital (ICU)
What: Quinn is in the hospital following her car accident.
When: Beginning Saturday evening
Rating: PG-13? Maybe?

[[Following Regionals, Quinn spoke to Sue Sylvester and received her Cheerio uniform back. She announced her new status to her Glee Club friends. With the assumption that the Finchel wedding is postponed due to lack of Finn, she went to go change into a nice, new black dress and go out to a nice dinner with Diego Lopez, her boyfriend. On the way to Dinner, she got distracted by a text message, ran a stop sign, and was involved in a car accident. Thankfully, she was wearing a seatbelt.

Quinn is at Lima General Hospital in the ICU with severe injuries. She has not yet regained consciousness, though the doctors have stated they believe she will recover without brain injuries. She is bruised and has contusions to her face with a black eye (right eye). Her initial arrival to the hospital led her straight into an OR, where physicians performed surgery to relieve pressure to her spinal chord. Quinn is allowed limited visitors (one at a time). Her mother has arrived and is in the waiting room, though she has not gone to see Quinn; nor has she made any attempt to communicate with anyone but the medical personnel. Quinn's father has not yet been notified, and her mother has no intention of calling him. She did, however, inform Principal Figgins, who let the remainder of ND that was still around tearing down from regionals. The accident was also on the news that evening, with Quinn's name mentioned as being in Serious condition at Lima General Hospital.

This is an open thread if someone wants to either visit Quinn or write something out about a reaction. I decided that was the best way to handle it. Catch me at quinnfabrayFTW (IC) or katexeatsakitkat (OOC) on AIM or email to plot. If you e-mail me, please mention the McKinley High RP in the subject, otherwise it may get ignored from my phone. I plan to have her regain consciousness sometime Monday, I think. I will have limited access Sunday through Tuesday for a trip to a graduate school audition, but I will be around on my phone for email.


I was also thinking comments could be IC for characters to interact on news. Since I'm not really able to play Q right now. Hah. But I suppose that's up to you guys! ]]

May 2012



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