February 11th, 2012

[info]greateststar in [info]mckinley_high

RP Thread: Kurt & Blaine

Who: Kurt, Blaine
What: Kurt brings by brunch to the Anderson house the day after Blaine's surgery. He's on some pretty heavy painkillers.
When: Saturday morning.
Rating: PG

Kurt wasn't sure what he was expecting to see when he got to the Andersons' on Saturday morning, ringing the doorbell and waiting to see who would show up. He'd asked Blaine if he wanted him to come by once Blaine got home from his eye surgery, but Blaine had shot him down. The surgery took most of the afternoon, and the text Kurt recieved later that night was either the result of painkillers or his spellcheck decided to revolt.

So he figured that Blaine either was feeling bad and needed some caring, or was completely high and he wanted to make sure that he saw what was going on. He had an insulted cooler with some fruit, and cinnamon rolls, and eggs and bacon, to bring the joy of brunch to Blaine, as well as some other bits and pieces to help him relax.

[info]genyv_blows in [info]mckinley_high

RP Thread: Genny & Jeff

Who: Genny, Jeff (Maybe other people from Dalton, if they happen to be wandering around?)
What: Genny feels the need to ruin Jeff's academic streak...by showing up at Dalton.
When: Saturday evening
Rating: PG

Genny pulled in to the visitor's parking lot at Dalton, pulling out her phone and dialing Jeff's number. She was pretty sure he was studying, and while she would normally feel bad about interrupting...she was bored. Getting out, she she shut the door and leaned against the driver's side while she waited for him to pick up. "C'mon Jeff...I know you don't like Calculus that much..."

May 2012



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