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Sep. 1st, 2009


Who: Felix and the whole wide world
When: August 26th, because that way people who want to interact can say they were on their way to get some ice creams. Yum.
Where: Mainly outside of the Harper Cove.
What: Let's just pretend Felix e-mailed the main folks interested in chalking up the sidewalks and decided to do it by the ice cream social at Harper Cover. =)
HOW LONG: A longish time for him, from noon until it starts getting dark.
Status: Incomplete
Rating: pg-13 just in case

It is my firm belief that people that don't color in the lines are the same people who can't stay in their own lane when they drive. )

Aug. 25th, 2009


To: fsamuels@merdermott.edu
From:  lleighton@mcdermott.edu

Subject: I am way too excited.

Hey Felix,

Thanks to you this isn't such a disaster to actually try to email someone anymore.

Anyhow--I was collecting art supplies today and I thought about your chalk drawing idea. I'm so lame that I can't wait.

When do you wan to get together?


Aug. 19th, 2009


Who: Olivia and Felix
Where: The Computer Lab at Williams
What: Teaching best he can!
When: August 19, afternoon
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

Nerd. N.E.R.D. Never ending radical dude, okay? )

Jul. 21st, 2009


Who: Corrine and Felix
What: Delivering a mirror never felt so exciting to a boy.
Where: Corrine's apartment.
When: July 22, 2009, late afternoon.
Rating: It can get high, starting it at PG.
Status: Complete

The sun peeked between the clouds as he drove which sent shadows and light dancing across the roadways. )

Jul. 6th, 2009


Who: Felix and Bex
What: Sitting, waiting, wishing? Just friendly conversation at a Gloria Jeans cafe outside the campus while the wind goes nuts in the morning.
When: July 6th, around nine in the morning.
Status: Complete
Rated: PG

I don't do too much talking these days. These days I seem to think a lot about the things that I forgot to do and all the times I had the chance to. )