October 31st, 2014

[info]sororgrimm in [info]marvel_prep

Text Messages: A Bored Witch is Terrible

To: Jono
From: Nico
Date: 12:04am 10/31/2014

Inbox [1] )


To: Runaways
From: Nico
Date: 9:04am 10/31/2014

Inbox [2] )


To: Illyana
From: Nico
Date: 11:06am 10/31/2014

Inbox [3] )

[info]regardingharry in [info]marvel_prep

Haphazard Party Planning 101 (texts)

To: [Lots Of people]*
From: Harry
Date: 10/30 [backdated a day]
*Everyone that Harry thinks Tabby knows. so. Probably everyone.

You have un-read texts )

To: Tommy
From: Harry
Date: 10/30 [backdated a day - a few hours after these texts]

You have un-read texts )

[info]wingedfoot in [info]marvel_prep


To: Imperius Rex [Rogue, Kitty, Molly, Charlie, Betsy, Noh-Varr]
CC: Sebastian Shaw
From: Namor
Date: Shortly after the Capture the Flag match [backdated - aka Khush has time now]
Subject: Further Training and Leadership )

[info]marvelprepmod in [info]marvel_prep

Plot: A Nightmare on Graymalkin Lane

Characters: Any
NPCs: Morgan le Fay
Location: The Dreamscape
Timeline: Oct. 31, 2014, [night time]
Description: Morgan comes to visit the children of both schools and brings
Rating: R, because it's likely to get violent or really weird, yo.
OOC: Remember to tag yourself in if you post in here! You can tag in multiple characters, but please try to keep it limited to one (1) per dream, which means you'd have a max of five (5) in play here. Your character will not have their powers and won't remember having any either (unless you want to think you had superpowers as part of the hospital dream). Happy Halloween, everyone, and thank you for your amazing and awesome suggestions for this plot!

Morgan knew that her time was limited, but she would find her own merriment at the expense of others. )

[info]wolvman in [info]marvel_prep

Email: Squad New Wave

To: New Wave (Maddy, Elektra, Johnny, Jen, Loki, Danny)
CC: Reed Richards
From: Logan
Date: 10/31
Subject: Squad Captain )

[info]wolvman in [info]marvel_prep


To: Elektra
From: Logan
Date: 10/31/2014

Inbox [2] )

[info]devildared in [info]marvel_prep

Text: Everybody's talking

To: Peter Parker
From: Matt Murdock
Date: 10/31/14

Inbox [4] )

[info]firstwidow in [info]marvel_prep

Thread: The Jig is Up (Clint & Natasha)

Characters: Natasha Romanoff & Clint Barton
NPCs: Bad Guy
Location: Bathroom of a random club
Timeline: Oct. 31, 2014, Evening
Description: Natasha is mid-mission when one of her closest friends sort of figures out she's working for SHIELD.
Rating: R, violence, Clint's language

Natasha mentally cursed when she saw the bathroom door open, but couldn't see who it was as gray clouded her vision. )

[info]tongue_tied in [info]marvel_prep

[News] No More Dodgeball

Characters: ---
NPCs: ---
Location: ---
Timeline: Friday, October 31, 2014.
Description: The Pulse has an article about the dodgeball game.
Rating: Low.

With that, our annual dodgeball game drew its curtains. )

January 2016



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