action // closed to subaru, karen, hokuto
03 August 2011 at 04:07 am
Kamui Shirou ✡ 神威 司狼
[Kamui hadn't meant to make himself so sick, and yet he'd managed it anyway. The last few days had been an indistinct blurred images while he was awake and restless dreams while he was sleeping -- and he'd done a lot of sleeping, feeling too pained, warmed, and exhausted to want to stay up for very long.]

[When he wakes up again on the morning of day 126 he's pleased to find he feels like a solid mass of heat and misery than he had last time he'd stirred from his rest. Talking still hurts, a little, as he discovers when he tries to call Subaru's name and gets no further than 'S' before he cuts off and grimaces. Right, no talking above a whisper unless he needs to.]

[But surely he's well enough to walk, yes? Kamui slides out of bed and stands gingerly. He can at least make it to the kitchen, he thinks...]

(ooc: feel free to catch him in the bedroom, in the kitchen, on his way to the kitchen, etc.)
[video | action]
03 August 2011 at 08:35 am
Yuuri Shibuya
[Yuuri is still hanging out at the baseball field after that morning's practice going over things with Murata when he makes a VERY IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT!]

We need more baseball players!

Who else wants to play that isn't already? Or who just started because sometimes I forget to actually write it down or tell Murata. Oh! That's right. Murata is back to be our manager again. [The video pans over to another Japanese boy. Wave to the people, Murata. And now it snaps back to Yuuri.]

Suzaku, we should probably talk about when we're going to have our games before it's suddenly winter or the field is covered with dinosaurs or made of marshmallows or anything like that.

(OOC: I try to keep the roster up-to-date, but sometimes I fail, so if you should be on there but you don't have time to tag in ICly, just drop me an OOC note here or in IM or plurk.)