21 April 2011 at 08:47 pm
Bookman Junior (Lavi)
[ the first raindrops are a pleasant surprise, but with the thunderclap, his first instinct is to laugh. not far from the apartment building, he strips off his uniform coat -- which is covered with colored water, powder and paint, and takes the stairs two at a time.

first, he knocks on the girls' door -- he doesn't know if they're in or not -- and just calls to them, telling them to come up onto the roof. not stopping for a reply, he climbs up to his floor and does the same for his own apartment. ]

Hey, you're wanted on the roof, man!

[ up he goes, onto the open, flat space. grins up at the "sky" and drops down onto his back, letting the rain fall on his face. ]
Location: Day 111 / Apartment, Sector 3 / Early Evening
Not really a Gig 010: A pet! [Action/OPEN!]
21 April 2011 at 09:02 pm
[Yui'll be here at the Pet Shop, having passed by it a few times and ending up staring at the cute critters bounding about from the outside, each animal trying to get her attention to be focused at any single one of themselves - with little success, of course, since Yui gets distracted easily.]

[Either way, she's finally given in to her inner desires this time, and is now inside of the shop itself, surrounded by the throngs of animals, none of which able to specifically catch her attention, as it's being directed at just about all of them, each taking up less than a second, as she pets one, hugs another, and cuddles that one.]

((ooc: Action post! Feel free to try to get her attention while she's inside the pet shop itself. Will be rather late on tags until quite a while from now - sleep comes!))
Location: Sector 2, Pet Cafe, Late Afternoon
21 April 2011 at 10:51 pm
[a breathy laugh; the video is slightly shaky, as Fuuma makes the last adjustments to his little campsite on the rooftop of a building in Sector 3. he's set up a tarp so his things don't get wetter than they already are. there's a sleeping bag, and a lamp, and a small plastic chest of drawers containing various knickknacks and a change of clothes, etc. that glimpse doesn't linger for long, though, as he redirects it back to himself. he's a little wet, but still cheerful]

Have to say that I missed the part where the warden said it was going to rain tonight. Not good, considering...!

[considering the fact that he obviously is living here on this rooftop]

At least real rain is a nice change from what I'm used to. Does this happen often?