[ Action | Open ]
17 November 2010 at 01:23 pm
Jeanne Fránçaix
[ Despite having a less-than-terrible morning, Jeanne was still visibly worried about something. Saya hadn't so much as called, and the other girl didn't sneak back into the apartment last night, either.

Once Jeanne's class was over, she hurriedly packed up her things and made her out of the education center. She knew Saya liked food, so maybe she could catch up to her if she just stalked the various dining areas for a while.

First stop? Pizza shop! ]

((ooc: Hand-waving Jeanne's sign language class for today. Her lesson would have been short, and mostly a recap of the first two classes. For the observant, she was not nearly as bright and enthusiastic as usual.))
[Action | Open]
17 November 2010 at 01:43 pm
両儀式 | Ryougi Shiki
[Shoving her way out of the convenience store a bit roughly due to the several bags full of bottled water taking up her hands, Shiki starts to lug them back to her place in Sector 3. The chilly air causes her breath to come out in white puffs, but despite the temperature drop, the girl's still sticking to her yukata + bright red jacket over it-- though she has switched out the geta for her combat boots now. Frozen feet do not want.

She's not in any hurry on her route back past the park; pace slow and steady even though it's cold out, brown eyes mostly staying on the fake cloudy sky above instead of in front of her. This, and the walk being earlier in the day than usual, is for a single reason: she wants to see it snow, and be in it, if it does come again.

She hates the cold, but snow is something important. Even if-- no, though it reminds her of him, and it hurts, she still wants to see it again and again.

Because... she needs him to stop the restlessness that's becoming harder to shove down]

[[ooc: catch her anywhere: Sector 5, 4 near the park, or in 3 /o/]]