voice | open
27 February 2010 at 01:17 am
Oh, look at that -- we're back to our regularly scheduled selection of fun and games bar those lucky few who bought affections. I suppose I should decide whether to work or to play....

If we're talking Earth holidays though, isn't the next one Mother's Day? The UK version, at least. Does Sentience do that? Give us phones to phone home with and let mummy know that we're all okay, really, and please don't worry and a care package would be wonderful but defeating the point of Mother's Day. Fourth Sunday in Lent. Or will Sentience be making us celebrate that instead? Make us be good little prisoners who choose to give up something other than their freedom.

What nasty little habits would you give up? The odd choccy bar here? The occasional bag of sweets there? Or would you do Sentience proud and make it an effort to try and truly better yourself?

It's funny, though -- I was under the impression holidays and all those cute little things were meant to be special and their infrequent and vaguely sparse nature just made them that much more exciting.

I'm almost surprised that no-one's bothered to complain about the fact that the lack of a linear calendar means birthdays are difficult to calculate. I'd quite like someone to make me a cake.
[video / action]
27 February 2010 at 08:37 am
[There's the very odd sight of a skeleton standing in the middle of the common room, a happy and at the same time curious look on his face.

All the commotion about Valentines Day made him think about all the holidays he never gets to experience and the two he has. What are they like? What do you do for them? Which is the best?

He's gone to the library and learned about some, but this time, he wants to find out from other people how they're celebrated. He figures that'll be better than making wrong assuptions about them that could potentially lead to disaster like what happened with Christmas.]

Hello everybody, I'm Jack Skellington and I'm new here. Valentines Day got me thinking about somethings like the fact that at my home we only have Halloween. I was wondering if you could tell me about some other holidays and what they're like. Which ones are the best?
Mood: curious
Location: common room
[action | open]
27 February 2010 at 12:35 pm
Tieria Erde
[It was early evening, and Tieria had been on his 'date' cooking with Lacus earlier that day. Obligations over with, he decided he finally needed some time to himself to come to terms with everything that sort of dumped on him so quickly in only four days. Without Veda, he'd gotten used to taking time to himself to sort his thoughts. Before, he'd always been able to sort of dump information and sort through it in his own way. Without that backup, though, he had to keep everything in his head and try to work through it that way. Being back in that situation again after some time in Veda, he knew he was going to have to revert to that alone time again. He was in the garden on a bench, and looked up at the dome above him. The stars had made a difference. It looked a lot nicer than just water. Still, he preferred outerspace. He'd rather be up there with the real ones then stuck under water.]
Mood: contemplative
[Action] Backdated slightly
27 February 2010 at 01:17 pm
Okami Amaterasu
[Ammy's in an odd mood today. After seeing the stars and wondering about things, she's now wandering the dome trying to figure out things in her mind.

She doesn't want to leave those here, but she misses those still at home, and she has a job to do. She should be trying to find a way out, but there just doesn't seem to be one, and she doesn't know this place well enough to figure out how she got in here in the first place.

Serious Ammy is a rare thing, but that's what she is today]
27 February 2010 at 05:12 pm
Uchiha Itachi
[Private to Kitty]


Given yesterday's events, it makes sense that the dinner could not proceed as planned. But should you wish to hold that offer for today, the meal shall be ready shortly and you may join us.
Location: late evening