[video/voice/action] PRIVATED TO NOAH/EARL, but especially Tyki~
09 January 2010 at 12:23 am
Road Kamelot ♪ Lady ♪ Noah
ooc: continuing from this thread

Gonna go back and cut them~ )
Mood: shocked
09 January 2010 at 12:32 am
fucking shit god damn cunt bag cum guzzler scum weasel fucking motherfuck-- if anyone fucking encouraged him, man up and speak now before I'm forced to find you and rip out your pancreas with a damn spoon and feed it to you like a fucking burrito.

[Filtered; to Yuuri]

... Hey Shibuya. Got a second?
09 January 2010 at 12:43 am
[Being the stubborn Prince he was, Arthas has neglected to seek out assistance from Sentience or the other prisoners. Instead, the video abruptly clicks on after he turns the communicator around in his hands several times, leaving the paladin to scowl irritably at the screen. All in all, it's likely a very comical display: much like a caveman trying to figure out how to move a rock. The screen shakes every now and then as he tries to get something, ANYTHING out of the communicator than he's already gotten. He mutters under his breath.]

...infernal device...by the Light--

[His frustration has mounted to the point of him refusing his meals, evident by a rather loud growl from his stomach as he tries to figure out what button does what. After all, maybe one of them would put him back where he was supposed to be...or get that stupid ball and chain off. One thing is for sure: Proud ol' Arthas is beyond restless with his forced routine. And if he keeps squeezing and pushing buttons as hard as he is...he might break something.]
[action: open]
09 January 2010 at 07:21 pm
♀ [senshi] Aino Minako
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust )

Mood: melancholy
Location: graveyard
[Voice/Action|Closed] (backdated to afternoon)
09 January 2010 at 09:17 pm
[Running fast in the direction of the Shelter.]

Private to Willow )

((OOC: takes place immediately after this.))
Location: Shelter
09 January 2010 at 10:35 pm
Everything is...over.

[That's Riku's thought right now as he and Kairi run headlong for the shelter. He's not really running so much as forcing his body to move in that direction. He can't even FEEL his legs. But it doesn't matter. Sora's okay. Axel's going to be okay soon too. Kairi's here.

Arriving at their door, Riku can barely breathe. His head is swimming, and he can hardly stand but, holding tight to Kairi's hand to pushes the door open and almost falls into the room.]


((ooc: Happens right after this post.))
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