[voice/FILTERED FROM the Earl, Tyki]
29 November 2009 at 10:15 am
Allen Walker
[he's waited as long as he can justify waiting after the meeting earlier, but he said he was going to do it, and he's going to do it.

[he just. hopes the little boy from earlier is asleep already]

You all need to be aware that the man calling himself the Millennium Earl is more dangerous and more evil than you can possibly imagine. This also goes for his ally, Tyki Mikk.

Please, for your own safety, and because every one of you he can affect becomes a danger to everyone else here. Stay away from him. Keep anyone you care for away from him. Don't talk to him. Believe nothing he says. And don't ever tell him about loved ones you've lost.

I'm sorry. But this is -- very important.
~03 [action][closed][backdated]
29 November 2009 at 12:44 pm
The Millennium Earl
[ During the "educational time", the Earl makes his way to an unoccupied table and attempts to make himself uninteresting. Given his appearance and Lero, it takes some work, oh dear. But he's waiting for his special visitor, who has been so delinquent in coming to see him.

Hopefully, his Noah of Pleasure could give him more useful information about the prison; he'll have a better opportunity to see what is the best method to proceed. ]

Tykipon is late, Lero. Tsk, tsk.

((ooc: Backdated to the afternoon, and closed to Tyki Mikk ([info]noahism) ))
Mood: devious
Location: Educational Center / Mid-day
[Action | Private for Senti] WHOA LOOK, ITS PLOT PROLOUGE!
29 November 2009 at 09:00 pm
[Lain is in her room, slumped on the floor beside a disabled security bot which is still online but running a looped feed. Its back panel has been popped open, wires connected to it's inner circuitry and then slung about her limbs, connected here and there to pale skin by alligator clips. She sits in a trance-like stupor, eyes glazed over into REM state.

Within the network, however, she is fully conscious and living hotwired in digital, skimming through the AI 's subsystem in wonder.

Lain has been everywhere in The Wired back home, but even the most complex firewalled government systems were not so....so...

So far beyond state of the art.

Sentience is whirlwind of advanced tech and learning movement, in her guts.The girl struggles to follow along the evolving current of the AI's programmed functions. It is a lively world of binary, and a massive system to navigate...guarded with a passive defense system, but an effective. The coding is constantly scrambling itself, all of it, such that there's little raw data for Terminal that she can even nab here. It is in a constant state of flux, ever shifting, changing, self-modifying.

Far from frustrated, Lain thinks it beautiful on the inside. Alive and inexplicable. Just like people. How rapidly she changes leaves Lain laughing. Even the shoulders of her physical body shudder a little with tremors of laughter.

Broken? In need of some fixing? How could anyone possibly hope to fix this?]

((Timestamped to 4am in the Asylum))
29 November 2009 at 09:34 pm
Hikaru Hitachiin
[ Another sleepless night for the Hitachiin. He certainly caused himself enough stress for a day, getting himself all worked up and over-emotional for no real reason other than he was upset and confused about things and didn't know what to do about it.

Hikaru knew there would be guilt. He knew he'd feel guilty about being a jerk to people who didn't need it, especially his brother.

Why, why was he so stupid to get that worked up and speak to his brother that way?! Apologies were useless, but he didn't know what else to do! Why did he have to be like this? Why did he have to be so damn moody and easily bothered by things that he can't make sense of?!

No, it wasn't the others who were annoying him. It was only him annoying himself because of his childish behaviour, and damn it he didn't know what to do about it.

Hikaru speaks in a low voice, not being loud this time around. ]

Kaoru... Kaoru, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean whatever I said... Please don't hate me... If you do, I completely understand.

... Fletcher, you too. I'm sorry.
Mood: melancholy