Hiatus for a convention~*~*~*~
06 April 2012 at 01:13 am
Hey, guys! Just a quick note: I'll be gone this Friday, Saturday, Sunday and possibly Monday because I'm going to be attending a convention and will be very very very busy...spending money. |D So, just to be safe, I'm calling a hiatus for this weekend. I may have down time here and there to reply to some tags, but we'll see how that goes.

Applies for:
Axel | [info]memorization
GIR | [info]derpndots

Stay awesome! ♥
04 April 2012 at 04:14 pm
This is just something I need to do as I feel creative juices scraping the bottom of the barrel, and my confidence level is at an all-time low.

This affects my little army, and while I'm away, they'll be engaged in:

  • Sasha / this journal : weaving projects; godmode rights go to housemates Touma Kamijou and Gemini Kanon.
  • Gabriel / [info]lokiwhoshere : his usual and keeping himself busy;
  • Kohran Li / [info]koubu_mama : tinkering at the Workshop as per usual;
  • Ryo Sanada / [info]heartofwildfire : attending whatever classes there are left and doing his DF patrol duties; and
  • Reki / [info]cast_a_pebble : working on her second (and maybe third) painting project.

I'll wrap up threads from March and still do my best to get people a.c.-length threads if needed. This can go as long as two weeks or at most, the entire month of April. In the case you really need my kids for something, feel free to get in touch with me; I'm on plurk, and contact posts and details are in each characters' respective journals.

I'll be back soon (because y'all probably know by now, hiatuses and I don't get along very well most of the time |D;; )~

~ AC
04 April 2012 at 02:11 am
So I'm headed out of state for a bit as of tomorrow, and my internet access will be either limited or non-existent, so I figured it'd be best to call a hiatus. I'll be gone probably a little more than a week, and I'll be more than happy to backtag when I return!

This effects Ciel ([info]pactum) and Soubi ([info]fighter). See you soon, Marina!
Hiatus, a full one this time
31 March 2012 at 01:14 pm
I haven't been able to tag as much as I would like here lately, and I've been so slow, it makes me believe that a break will be a good thing, so that I can focus on other things and come back fired up again! Hopefully when I get back I'll be tagging ALLLL THE THINGS.

So this affects:

Tsuna [info]27skyflames
Hisoka [info]clairvoyance16
Crona/Ragnarok [info]cronamakenshi
Doll [info]circusprincess

For anyone who still has threads with me, please let me know whenever if you would like to keep tagging or not! (Or don't IDK XD) I won't be upset or anything if you want to drop them, I'll completely understand haha.

I'll of course be on plurk and aim, but in any case, see you around soon Marina! /blows kisses

- Alice <3
29 March 2012 at 08:14 pm
Hola mamacitas and papi chulos! Going to be disappearing a couple days, however I'm going to make this hiatus/slowatus note thing a week long (3/30-4/6) just in case my short trip makes me too tired or something!

I will be able to post my AC, so no worries with that.

As for what my guys will be doing for the IC day:
  • Hikaru Hitachiin | [info]onelevelmeaner | Ouran High School Host Club: Probably spending some time with Zero, Yuuki and Yuuri to go over some housing type things (and pester Yuuri).
  • Sougo Okita | [info]sadistfaction | Gintama: The same thing he does every day, try to take over the world nothing but act like a sadist toward people and keep to himself.

Hasta la vista, Marina. I'll be baaaack. Especially because I am way too excited about Sougo possibly getting castmates +3+!
26 March 2012 at 05:20 am
Hiatus schmiatus! Who needs 'em!

I missed you so much Marina that I'm coming back early: Reid/[info]thisiscalm and Aidan [info]redclayheroics are back in action! Gimme a minute or two to get back into the swing of things, and please don't hesitate to tell me if there's anything you want either of my boys for! Plotting is good!

As you might've spotted there's one name less on that roster; Sanji's getting lost in the dimensional stabilizer for now. I've played him for a long time and it's simply time to retire the chainsmoking pirate. He was my first character in Marina, and I've had a ton of fun with him - big thanks to everyone that made my run with him so enjoyable and my apologies to those that wanted to do more with him. It's simply not meant to be.

Tags: ,
25 March 2012 at 03:45 pm
After being mowed down repeatedly with various bouts of sickness and with school starting to gear up, I'm going to go ahead and put myself on hiatus. Not sure when I'll be back, but hopefully soon. <3

Affects Chun-Li [info]hyakuretsukyaku and Boss [info]theshepard
24 March 2012 at 11:01 pm
Lately I've been in agony and I've been pretty sick. The last thing I've been wanting to do is roleplay. Right now I'm working on it and I am getting better, steadily, but for now I'm just going to take a step back.

Not to mention being sick = miss school work.

I'll backtag forever if you'll allow it. I'm sorry for being absent.

This affects Gilbert Nightray of Pandora Hearts ([info]wibblesalot)

-- Anju ♥
Hiatus Notice.
24 March 2012 at 04:43 pm
Like Aaron and Dog I'm backdating a hiatus too. Unfortunately I am a full time college student with family obligations and am looking for work for this summer. I've been running myself ragged with school this semester, this month no exception. And it only looks to be getting worse with having three major final papers I have to do this next month and four tests all before finals week.

I apologize for the late notice, but I'll be back as soon as it looks like I can breathe again.

Thank you all!



Hiatus Notification
24 March 2012 at 01:24 pm
Hey, guys, this is just to let everyone know that Dog and I are going on hiatus.

Honestly, I pretty much need to backdate this, because we haven't been able to post for the past week or so either. So, officially, I'm noting that we're going on hiatus from March 12 until approximately April 6 due to con prep, a con, and the life stress that goes with it.

This affects:

Roy Harper @ [info]shootsoff
Terry Ward @ [info]bamfcc
Jason Todd @ [info]crowbarred

Sorry to everyone for being so absent. :(

- coffee & Dog
24 March 2012 at 12:19 pm
I should have posted this way earlier, but anyway calling a hiatus for the month due to RL, and just feeling a bit burnt out. This just affects Raenef over here, but I'll be back in about a week or two.
Hiatus warning
22 March 2012 at 08:54 pm
So another health-aitus upcoming for Lena. Next week on the 29th I'll be having an operation. It's somewhat exploratory and could end up being semi-major, so I'll be out of commission from the 29th until... let's say further notice, but probably at least through April 8.

I'm posting this early because I wanted to warn anyone who is relying on me for AC threads that if they're not at AC length before the 28th, they're not going to be useable for AC because I just won't be able to tag. I will, however, tag diligently until the evening of the 28th and try to make sure they're all up to date before I get sliced and diced! So you have until then~

This effects:
Lacus Clyne ♬ Gundam SEED ♬ [info]fields_of_hope
Zelgadis Greywars ⚒ Slayers ⚒ [info]_incurable
Cross Marian ♱ D.Gray-Man ♱ [info]rack_em_up
Komui Lee ☢ D.Gray-Man ☢ [info]komurin
Saya Otonashi ♛ Blood+ ♛ [info]crimson_blade
Conrad Weller ♞ Kyou Kara Maou ♞ [info]edgeofsalvation
Anew Returner ✿ Gundam 00 ✿ [info]lodestar

22 March 2012 at 07:40 pm
I guess it qualifies, but... I don't see this as being a temporary situation, but I felt it was prudent to post that due to a variety of factors, my overall tagging speed is probably going to be at about half its usual pace for the foreseeable future. This means that if you go up to 24 hours without a tag from me, don't send the search party! I'm not dead, I promise you. XD

This affects:

[info]by_your_command ~*~ Gilbert G.P. Guilford ~*~ Code Geass
[info]highest_caliber ~*~ Subaru Nakajima ~*~ Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha
[info]such_misfortune ~*~ Touma Kamijou ~*~ To aru Majutsu no Index
[info]target_acquired ~*~ Neil Dylandy / Lockon Stratos (I) ~*~ Gundam 00

Also, it means I've dropped the idea of apping Grimlock or Yumemi for the time being, and I'm going to ban myself from apping/reserving anyone until my real-life situation has smoothed itself out. Just so I don't get anyone's hopes up!
slowatus ahoy
22 March 2012 at 06:13 pm
So this should have been posted like... a week ago or something, but I thought I should post this anyway. I've been quite busy lately and life has hit me hard, so my tagging rate has been REEEEALLY SLOW it seems.

I'll be on slowatus for a while now I think. I'm hoping to get back into thing in the next week or so, but no promises.

This affects my lovely kids:
Tsuna [info]27skyflames
Hisoka [info]clairvoyance16
Doll [info]circusprincess
Crona [info]cronamakenshi

Sorry for any and all wait for tags, loves! ♥

- Alice
Hiatus for a friend!
22 March 2012 at 04:49 pm
Our resident Sollux is having computer issues, a trojan ate her os so she's going on hiatus, which I am obviously posting for her, for a while. She'll be back asap!

Once again, hiatus for Sire's character (Sollux Captor), not mine!
22 March 2012 at 02:55 pm
This is way overdue, but I need to take a hiatus for the rest of March. I've been working overtime pretty much every day so far in March, and my schedule doesn't seem like it's going to let up until at least the beginning of April.

I will try to get to February backtags if anyone is still willing to tag with me, and I will try to stay caught up with reading the community at least, so I can work out where Ritsuka is for April. I am available to talk to people here or in my contact post on Ritsuka's journal for plotting/handwaving/threads. I still have all the backdated threads I need to tag - just haven't had the time to tag them.

Long story short, I am going on hiatus for the rest of March for:

Ritsuka Aoyagi | [info]omoidezukuri

My only character.
21 March 2012 at 01:08 pm
Calling for slowatus! I need to focus on school stuff, so tags will be slower than normal and I won't be tagging any new posts in the mean time. Hopefully, it'll last just a week, but it may end up being two weeks.

Only Atsuro ([info]ctrlaltdemons) is affected. He's probably derping around with his haro in the mean time.

If you need me for anything, I'm on AIM (dojikuni) and Plurk.

icon is me, staring at the assignment...
oh true, hiatus
20 March 2012 at 12:56 am
I'm going on hiatus for the rest of March! I might randomly come back and cancel it, who knows. But I've been feeling really disconnected from and disinterested in role-play for a little while now and I'm on spring break, doing spring break things; so it's probably better for me to just take some time off.

this affects Miwako Sakurada and Usopp ([info]farfetched).

See you guys later~! ♥

(I'll still be around on plurk, though, probably, if you'd like to talk to me. but why would you do that, rofl.)
oh god oh god we're all gonna die?
18 March 2012 at 10:24 pm
so who fails? this girl right here.

RIGHT SO long story short, i have a month to get a bunch of shit sorted out or else i could be screwed over in a very unpleasant way, and true to form, it hasn't dawned on me until now that that's the case. eep. anyway, i'm putting myself on hiatus for now until i can get something worked out and avoid living out of a cardboard box for the forseeable future. hopefully it won't take too long!!

only affects this little lady. sorry for failing, i'm gonna try to do tags whenever i can ;_;b
18 March 2012 at 04:49 pm
something came up and effectively smacked my life around so I'm putting up a slowatus for now. I'll probably only be around for the rp plans I've already made so OTL

affects: Naoto Fuyumine [info]shatteredblade, Sakura Kinomoto [info]sakurangel, and Road Kamelot [info]impaledcandles