18 March 2012 at 09:02 am
I am flakier than a croissant, oh my gosh.

Heyyyyy Marina. I came to the realization last night that it's probably best for me to drop from the game right now. I've kind of lost focus of what I really want to do and where I want to go in life, so I'm going to take these last few months before I graduate to settle some things and hopefully redirect myself (and enjoy myself!).

It'll only be a temporary drop, so with any luck, I'll be back before you even realize I'm gone. Stay classy, Marina! :) <3
/hides face in shame
15 March 2012 at 11:26 am
Gah. I'm sorry guys, and even though I just reapped, I'm gonna have to bow out from the game. After having to actually tell myself to go log onto IJ and do my tags, it's clear that I'm not cut out for RPing on two different sites anymore. As much as I love the game and all of you in it, I can't stick with something I keep waffling terribly on. :( my apologies and I know this is probably coming off as terribly flaky and such.

Affects Koishi Komeiji and Madoka Kaname.
07 March 2012 at 08:38 pm
I'm sorry that I have to do this, but I need to bow out and drop Marina. Real life is taking a huge toll on me right now and I'm super stressed... so I just don't have that much time to dedicate to RP. That, and it's been hard to focus recently. I want to apologize to everybody, especially the newly formed Kuro cast. I know you guys had big plans for this and for that, but I'm sure you'll make do. Everybody here was super sweet, and to those of you who I did get the pleasure to play with, ...stay awesome!
06 March 2012 at 02:36 pm
If I do this really fast, it hurts less, right?

Dropping Castiel [info]thursdays and Tommy Shepherd [info]destabilize. I've been thinking about this for a while because my RP motivation was on the really low side. And then I did a smart thing and took on way too much in RL so my online activity is suffering too.

I love you Marina and I love all you beautiful people. If RL loosens up and my RP drive returns, I will definitely try to app back in. For now it's good-bye and thank you all for the fun times. (':

Take care of Salty, boys. >:[
01 March 2012 at 12:02 pm
I'm so sorry guys. I know we all had fun and I know you all love Jack, because I know I love Jack... But me and him just aren't a good match. I lost the voice and every single tag is a chore... As you have seen, I've been inactive for the entire time I had him here. (Even though I technically did get A/C for him this month.)

So... I hope that someone far more awesome than I brings this guy in. Marina needs more Harkness in their life. ♥

Torchwood | Jack Harkness | [info]udontwanttoknow

Y-you'll be seeing me around still though... -NEVER ABANDONS MARINA-
23 February 2012 at 03:54 pm
gdit I always end up adding to drop trains. orz

My semester hasn't been nearly as light as I had originally hoped, so I'm letting Break go for now. :( I will be finishing up whatever threads/plots I have started for him, so if there's anything you wanted to get done with him, poke me! He'll be leaving at the end of this IC day.

So sorry to all of his trolly CR. And his beautiful castmate, sob. ;;
23 February 2012 at 08:41 am
Thank you all for being insanely kind and welcoming, but I’m afraid I’m going to have to bow out. This game just never clicked with me, but again, you were so kind that I held out, but it’s become apparent as of late that this game became a chore for me rather than something fun. Vesperia cast, you are amazing, but you deserve a better Estelle.

Thanks for having me!
22 February 2012 at 11:07 pm
It's been over a year since I first joined Marina and while I's been hoping to stay for a good while longer, I doubt this really comes as a surprise to anyone. My activity has essentially been nonexistent lately, and my inspiration for these characters in Marina is at an all time low and I don't know when this lack of inspiration will end. It really only makes sense for me to drop and allow someone else to app these awesome characters and actually do something with them. I hope I'll be back relatively soon and maybe if either of them are still open I'll give them another shot, but I'm not really sure right now. And there's really not much more to say other than his affects Masaomi Kida ([info]kidaingaround) and Tamaki Suoh ([info]kingofthecommon).
19 February 2012 at 08:18 pm
I'm sorry - this isn't working out. I'm dropping Artoo/[info]fullofdevices. This has been awesome fun and I'm really going to miss the CR that he had, but I think this is for the best. Another character, another time!

I don't think I actually have any threads for this month. |Da; But if I'm wrong and you need one with me for AC, shoot me a link and we'll get it up to AC length.


look, my icon is appropriate :D
19 February 2012 at 08:14 pm
Hello, everyone. I'm sorry to do this, but I'm going to be dropping Marina. You guys have all been great and welcoming and awesome, but things just aren't quite clicking for me. (And I'll bring any current threads to A/C length before dropping them.)

It was fabulous to meet you all, though, and I hope to play with you again someday!

This affects:
Toph Bei Fong | [info]liketough
Sarah Jane Smith | [info]headstronger
C-3PO | [info]worrybot
18 February 2012 at 06:02 pm
dropping john, it's long due and things aren't working out

i'll miss everyone, it was fun while i was here

my plurk is here if anyone for some reason wants to defriend/friend me
01 February 2012 at 03:09 pm
Well, the AC is coming up and things just aren't working as well as I'd hoped.

Sorry, everyone, but Souji's going home. I had a lot of fun here at Marina, and I'm going to dearly miss all of you. Thanks so much to everyone that ever tagged with me -- it's cause of you that I had so much fun here.

I'll see you around, you crazy lovely people. ♥ I'm never gonna forget how much fun I had here. I hope I can come back some day.
Double Drop
31 January 2012 at 08:57 pm
Sandy here. So, I've done a lot of thinking, and I've come to the conclusion that it's time for Zelda to go home. She and I have been in Marina for over two years, and while I'm going to miss all the great characters, the events, the muns...I just don't have the time to give this game the attention it deserves. Thank you all for being apart of this amazing experience - my very first RP experience. Maybe I'll return one day when I have more free time.

Stay awesome, Marina. I love you.

Hey, Marina, it's Naomi here. You've probably already seen this coming, given my inactivity over the past few months, but Sheik will be heading home as well. I've enjoyed having him here, but my voice for him is kind of patchy and it's just not really fun having to strain to answer tags, so I think it'd be best to let him go. To all those who had threads with him, thank you so much for giving him a chance :)

In short: Dropping [info]royalwisdom and [info]play_us_a_song.
01 February 2012 at 02:02 am
When you forget to read posts in a game and you start missing things your character should ideally know and care about because you're too distracted by other games (RP and video), books and by writing, then one should gracefully bow out.

Thank you for everyone who ever chatted with my dhampir. Marina has been a very good place for me and I've met a lot of cool people in my time here. Maybe I'll see you around in another game.
29 January 2012 at 03:31 pm
Hey, it's Catie! Playing Gino here has been a blast definitely, but the reality is that my schedule is way too busy for me to handle playing a sparkly, social character. If I don't tag around, then I feel that Gino's not really getting the CR he deserves which isn't fair to him or to everyone's characters.

I definitely don't want to leave Marina though, so you might see me around this app period (apping someone less outgoing).

Dropping Gino Weinberg [info]derpilot. I had oodles of fun with him and his castmates, as well as everyone who tagged him. :D
29 January 2012 at 02:55 pm
It's been fun guys, really! It has and I'm glad that I got to play here for nearly a year with such wonderful people. But the fact of the matter is, I have other things I need to be tending to RP-wise that are going to be taking up my attention... and with my pace already that of a snail, numerous muse struggles, on top of constantly feeling like I'm struggling with AC, I think it's time to let go for now. This means Yosuke ([info]woobied), Izaya ([info]parkours), Rita ([info]gamebreaker) and Simon ([info]believed) are all disappearing from the dome.

Ideally, I'd like to come back when I feel I'll be able to handle it better. But my castmates deserve incarnations of my characters that are going to be more active and involved than I have been these past few months. I'm really sorry! You've all been fantastic to play with (and I've had some amazing casts here that I will miss so much!) I'll miss you all dearly... you're welcome to add me on plurk at yasogami if you'd like to keep in touch there.

I'll catch you all on the flip side. Stay awesome! ♥
Double drop
29 January 2012 at 09:48 am
A combination of rushing into things with characters whose voices weren't too strong means I can't play the Raven or Asch that you guys deserve, so, sadly, both of them will be going home.

It's definitely not you, it's me - so, with apologies, I'll be leaving. Sorry to not have done much of anything during my time here.
27 January 2012 at 02:59 pm
Jeanne Fránçaix will be going to that place where dropped characters go, after a nearly 2 year run at Marina. Two years!! I never though I'd be back into the RP full-swing for as long as I have been, much less stick around so long with a character that is from a largely obscure, and aged canon.

There is a lot I want to say about this, but I think I'm just going to make myself sadder if I do. I have completely enjoyed her time in the game, the OOC plotting done, and CR she's gained. I doubt I'll ever have another home for Jeanne besides Marina.

I'm still around with my other four (Guilford, Neil, Touma K. and Subaru), and looking forward to the start of my third year at Marina. Let's continue making them awesome, you guys! ♥

[ As a small note, the Spa Day is still on for Day 152! It will just be Jeanne's partner-in-beauty, Inara, heading up the planning from now on. ]
23 January 2012 at 11:29 pm
With the life changes I mentioned previously, playing in five games isn't working for me and I'm going to have to drop Mikado.

I'm extremely sorry to my canonmates who I didn't get to play with much, and I'm sorry if I'm dropping in the middle of a thread, but I couldn't see a point in dragging it out.

You guys seriously are awesome. You are probably the most welcoming game I've experienced, and I hope you continue that. <3

Hope to see you again, Marina-goers.

23 January 2012 at 02:26 pm
Hello, everyone.

After a two-month hiatus, I'm sad to say that I need to drop Seira Loyard from Noblesse. Life just isn't working out to give me the time to get the tags that I need to get done, done. With school every weekday and part-time work and family and a relationship and friendships, I just need to let this go for now.

I hope that perhaps some day I can bring her back to you! I'm so sorry that I did so little with her while I was here. :'[

I would GLADLY wrap up any tags that I still have out there, if you so desire. I have yet to back-tag because it's been a while, but pretty please let me know if you want the back-tag, and I will do it for you! I just don't want you to get surprise tags that you don't remember. :'P

Feel free to stay in contact if you would like~ <3 It was absolutely lovely to meet you all, and hopefully I shall see you all again!

Thank you all! <3