20 May 2012 at 04:42 pm
Helix Wamtani
I'm just gonna post this up here just in case. Obviously I've been kind of slow for a while (at least, I feel like I have been kinda neglecting tags more than usual) so this might be a trend for a little while.

Before, I was just in a slump, but now I'm just kind of busy with life IN A GOOD WAY~~ Things are happening, big things I've been waiting for for over a year! So since all of this is new it's kind of... drawing my attention elsewhere. I'll still be around, I still plan to tag things and I'll do my best to keep up with backtags but, I figure I may as warn some that I'll be slower than usual!

Between work, planning and taking action, I just need more time to figure stuff out. Once I sit down and make a game plan I think I'll be able to chill out and focus more on the game, but until then, I'll kind of be all over the place. I'll be available though should you need me for something. Feel free to send me a msg or poke me on Plurk if you do and I will do my best to focus on anything we have going!

So, anyway, my Plurk is AceOfSwords
Or you can leave me a msg on AIM as DontCallMeGol

Sorry to anyone who might've felt neglected. If you want to drop our threads just let me know, but otherwise I still would like to tag with you! IDEK I think I covered anything, I'm kind of distracted even now. So feel free to ask me everything here or drop a comment, or any reminders here!! Thanks~

Bren ♥ ♥ ♥

EDIT:ALSO A SHOUT OUT TO ALL OUR NEW PEOPLE!! Sorry I didn't get around to tagging all of your intro posts. I meant to I just got eaten! So welcome everyone! I play Haine Rammsteiner from Dogs: Bullets and Carnage and Helix, this blue brat right here.

Though you probably won't see this now orz orz.
Mood: busy
hiatus ;~;
20 May 2012 at 10:07 pm
Hello marina, it's ghost brandie with her boy. I'm going to go on a hiatus for a while, my head is in a bad place and I'm not sure where I'm at in my personal-place in life. But I'll return soon enough I'm sure, but my activity has been down and I know it so I know I need to do this.

I have all my tags in my email, so I'll be replying to them when I am ready to do so again, if its okay with those I owe tags too.
Thank you for understanding, precious souls.
Mood: blank