[ Current Player Intro Post! ]
06 May 2012 at 02:46 pm
Marina Asylum Mods
Apps are now closed!

We've been reviewing the apps and will shortly get out comments to each apper! Once you've been accepted, our current players will post here to introduce their new characters! Tell us:

  • Who you are

  • Who you play and who you apped

  • Maybe a little of what they're like

  • How we can contact you

  • Anything else you think is important!

Then other people will comment to be enthusiastic. ♥ New players can also post here if they're more comfortable with it. Everyone will be let into the IC community Monday after the daypost.
Then everyone was naked in space forever
06 May 2012 at 06:27 pm
Kira Yamato
Hello, Marina!

I'm fresh meat here - the name is Funk - and I bring with me Kira Yamato, the protagonist of Gundam SEED Destiny. I believe the Marina denizens have well acquainted themselves with Kira's pink-haired bff partner Lacus, so here's her more mecha-piloty counterpart.

Kira is kind of a soft-spoken, gentle derp who also happens to be genetically modified. He's an ace computer programmer/engineer who likes rewriting the operating systems of giant robots during the middle of combat, who hates hurting or killing other people, and who can kick a lot of mechanical ass while feeling really bad about it.

He's also quiet and thinks and mopes around a lot of the time being emo.

I look forward to playing him with y'all!
Do you believe in Magic?
06 May 2012 at 07:06 pm
...in a young girl's heart?

Hail to the Inmates of the Asylum of Marina!

My name's Hina, and I bring you a 14-year-old Zatanna Zatara, from that one show that proves why Androids are a bad choice to babysit hormonal teenage superheroes (also known as Young Justice). She's taken from shortly after episode 19, having just lost her father and joined up with Team Daddy Issues.

For those of you unfamiliar with the show, Zatanna is a Da Vinci decedent who can do magic by talking backwards (though her powers will be severely limited in the Asylum). She gets bored very easily and has a thing for breaking rules. And a certain Boy Wonder. Also, you should probably never let her in a kitchen unsupervised. Trust me on this. But other than that, she's fairly chalant and fun to be around. Once she gets over her initial wave of shock/loss, that is.

I look forward to all future CR and shenanigans that will no doubt ensue.
sliiiides in
06 May 2012 at 09:02 pm
Hi folks, my name is Marion and it seems I am here in this game now. Cool.

I'm tossing in Doc Scratch from Homestuck. He's sophisticated, smooth, dapper and an excellent host. Also a huge smug douche. And his head is a cueball. Yeah. Plus he has cool teleporting powers and omniscience (which I'll have a permission post up before I post).

Hope to have fun and I won't be actively in-game until Thursday because finals. And that's the end of this boring intro. I would toss confetti in the air but we're on the internet. Whoo!!! Also if anyone wants to get in contact with me on AIM I ask you private message me first because I'm private about my AIM. Thanks!
Shhh don't tell her she's a secondary character...
06 May 2012 at 11:02 pm
Hi everyone! Mippa here, your resident Nasuti-mun bringing in someone who totally doesn'tLina Inverse</b> from the Slayers canon!

Please give her at least a day or two to get adjusted to her powers being COMPLETELY NEUTERED THANKS GUYS before poking her with a stick, mmmkay?

....oh who am I kidding? Poke away!