23 February 2012 at 08:41 am
Estellise Sidos Heurassein
Thank you all for being insanely kind and welcoming, but I’m afraid I’m going to have to bow out. This game just never clicked with me, but again, you were so kind that I held out, but it’s become apparent as of late that this game became a chore for me rather than something fun. Vesperia cast, you are amazing, but you deserve a better Estelle.

Thanks for having me!
23 February 2012 at 03:54 pm
gdit I always end up adding to drop trains. orz

My semester hasn't been nearly as light as I had originally hoped, so I'm letting Break go for now. :( I will be finishing up whatever threads/plots I have started for him, so if there's anything you wanted to get done with him, poke me! He'll be leaving at the end of this IC day.

So sorry to all of his trolly CR. And his beautiful castmate, sob. ;;