jskfhfsf. PSA?
07 February 2012 at 11:06 am
I'm alive! I am a thing that is not dead in any way and still love playing here!

I know I've been scarce for the last month, but I'm back on the wagon! I should have put up a hiatus, but. skdjhfskf. THE PAST IS THE PAST.

-eats all of your CR-

Also, I'm going through the taken page and adding you on plurk. Yeah, I mean you. I just realized I only have like...veteran Marinarans on my list. If you want to add me, I'm Anjuchan@plurk!

~ Anju!

PS: Hello newbies! Welcome to Marina! ♥
07 February 2012 at 11:37 am
emergency health hiatus. be back in a while.
07 February 2012 at 09:03 pm
Hello Marina! My name is Witty and I will be your new Lenalee from D.Gray-Man. She's a sweet young lady who fights demons and has absolutely no traumas or mental instabilities at all~ I'm completely new to Marina, but I'm looking forward to playing with you all.

I don't have AIM, but my plurk is wittyandgay, feel free to add me if you ever want to chat.

Also I'm recycling an old journal so please ignore the 'Persephone' and how purple some of her icons are.
"Can I get you something to drink? Coffee, bourbon, bourbon and coffee?"
07 February 2012 at 10:13 pm
❦ Damon Salvatore ❦
Hi, everyone! I'm Amy, and I'm bringing in my very first character to the game: Damon Salvatore from the television series, The Vampire Diaries. He's a 170 plus year old vampire, who looks to be in his early 20s and has the emotional maturity of a three year old -- ex: 1, 2, 3. I rest my case.

I'm taking him from season 3, episode 10 -- 'The New Deal'. Highlight for spoilers and for more information about his canon point: He's coming right after he compels Jeremy to leave Mystic Falls behind, but before the kiss with Elena.

You can find out more information about his canon here in his wikia.

His permissions post is here. I encourage you to fill it up, but no worries if you want to skip it. Either way, I will always discuss with you first.

I can be contacted via AIM at notaroyalprat, or feel free to add me on Plurk at colormyspoon.
