01 February 2012 at 02:02 am
When you forget to read posts in a game and you start missing things your character should ideally know and care about because you're too distracted by other games (RP and video), books and by writing, then one should gracefully bow out.

Thank you for everyone who ever chatted with my dhampir. Marina has been a very good place for me and I've met a lot of cool people in my time here. Maybe I'll see you around in another game.
01 February 2012 at 12:41 pm
Yuuki Kuran
But only one of my characters... and hopefully only temporary. Going to be dropping Cheshire. Since the death of my computer switching between accounts is really difficult keeping up with everyone. On top of work and being busy in real life I figured he's the hardest to keep up. Since he...doesn't care to talk to anyone on the network.

Hopefully in the next month things will calm down a bit and I might be able to save up then for another computer. Sorry to my castmates though. lsdkfjls

01 February 2012 at 03:09 pm
Souji Seta ♦ 総司 瀬多
Well, the AC is coming up and things just aren't working as well as I'd hoped.

Sorry, everyone, but Souji's going home. I had a lot of fun here at Marina, and I'm going to dearly miss all of you. Thanks so much to everyone that ever tagged with me -- it's cause of you that I had so much fun here.

I'll see you around, you crazy lovely people. ♥ I'm never gonna forget how much fun I had here. I hope I can come back some day.