18 December 2011 at 01:53 pm
Richie "Gear" Foley
Okay, so I probably should have done this over a week ago, but late is better than never. I'm just not here mentally right now, so I'm taking a hiatus. I don't know when I'll be back just yet, but maybe after the new year.

If I had any plans with any of you, just hit me up here and I'll still play them out! I'm not going to hold up any plotting/plans, so don't worry about that. My memory is all over the place though, so I might not remember unless you poke me.

This affects: Alma, Ava, Itachi, M-21, Miranda, Rapunzel, Richie, and Seiji.
State of the Marina
18 December 2011 at 10:06 pm
Buffy Summers
Hey guys,

I feel like I owe you guys an apology because I have fallen WAY behind in Marina this month. I've been struggling with rp motivation. In any case, I'm going to start remedying this tonight and a good deal tomorrow. I've gotten caught up on most of my current tags (still a work in progress) and tomorrow I'm going to be tagging into posts. I realize some of these will be ridiculously late tag ins. If you aren't interested in any late tag ins on your posts, feel free to comment here and I'll avoid those posts or just don't respond back and I'll be totally okay with it. I know sometimes backtags can be difficult to manage/get back into the mood/etc.

I will be better guys! I promise.

Have a great night/week/month!

18 December 2011 at 10:48 pm
Ryoji Mochizuki
A few of you may have seen this coming - or may have just seen my comment on the reserve page - but Anya Alstreim ([info]record_keeper) is going home. I had a good run with her and really enjoyed all her CR, but I lost motivation for her - and confidence in her voice - a few months ago, and haven't been able to recover.

Thanks to everyone who played with her -- and an extra apology to our Gino who has been more than patient with me. ♥