tinylittle retroactive hiatus
14 December 2011 at 02:14 pm
Ryoji Mochizuki
I should have posted this a few days ago, but. Well. I'm silly and I did not.

I'm getting down to the wire on school and work stuff - today was my last final, which is why I haven't been tagging the last few days. Unfortunately, with that triumph comes the death of my laptop's adapter, and I am in possession of no other computer with which I can tag. So ideally, this hiatus will only continue until next Monday, but it really depends upon the whims of the postal service.

This affects:

Ryoji Mochizuki ([info]nevermeant) - Persona 3
Anya Alstreim ([info]record_keeper) - Code Geass - who was already on hiatus, no less!
Anri Sonohara ([info]parasital) - Durarara!!
Nia Teppelin ([info]understandings) - Gurren Lagann

I do promise all the backtags for anyone still willing to continue threads after seven plus days. Stay classy! ♥
14 December 2011 at 08:17 pm
Princess Zelda
I'm going to stop being in denial. This past week and a half school has been really tough and though I'm done, there's still packing and moving out of the dorm for the semester. I'd like to apologize to everyone that I am so slowly tagging. This is just a heads up that I can't get to tags until at least Friday, maybe even Sunday. I promise by the end of the weekend I'll catch up and pick myself back up to a better pace.

Affects just Zelda.