12 December 2011 at 12:07 am
Subaru Sumeragi [皇昴流]
Hey, guys! It's Keri here, declaring a hiatus for Killi, who plays Kamui Shirou / [info]nootherwish and Souji Seta / [info]checkthefridge. She's been having a rough time; we've both been pretty ill, it's the anniversary of a death in the family, it's Christmas and she works retail, and she doesn't think she's going to have the time or energy to tag much!

I'd say you can catch her on plurk, but she's pretty much a nonentity there these days (I think she's been on like once this week), so instead you can just ping her on AIM if you need her for anything. ♥

Souji and Kamui will be down with an awful flu, unable to talk, and in quarantine for the snow-in event. She likely won't be back until after New Year's, but it might be sooner! I can't say.

This does not affect me/Subaru, and we'll still be around and looking forward to tags.

Please send Kiki all the hugs. ♥
[ Bah, Mondays! ]
12 December 2011 at 09:32 am
Marina Asylum Mods
Hey game! It's pleasant chatty-time hour, with your friends, the Marinarans!

Monday Free-for-all!

This is a meme post where you are welcome to frolic and play amongst yourselves. You may talk about RL, link news articles you liked, post pictures of whatever, have mini-memes, pose questions, be dorky, etc! You can respond as yourself, or as your character ICly if you're so inclined.

Example topics that are all completely awesome:

  • In this thread: Pictures of our pets!

  • Marina Yearbook thread!

  • Who would win in a fight...?

  • Guys check out this video of a leopard on catnip.

  • IC discussion thread: Which inmate should be the next warden?

Links you may find helpful:
Marina Calendar * Marina Wiki * Marina's Defense Force

Have fun!
12 December 2011 at 03:05 pm
Hey guys. Sorry about this slowatus thing - I've been uh. Well I thought I was done with most of my stuff, and then I got three German assignments dumped on me the last day of class a week before the final...

Also Minecraft is distracting me that's a very nice everything you have there hissssss.

And then I'm leaving for Texas on the 20th. I'll probably have internet but yeah. :| Family.

So I apologize! If there's anything that desperately needs my attention, grab me on demony0uko on AIM or atrypical on Plurk. |D Sorry 'bout this.
12 December 2011 at 10:35 pm
Finals week(s). That is all I have to say.

Arya Stark | [info]needleofmyown