08 December 2011 at 08:25 am
Oh, right! Hey, I'm back from hiatus so Toph should be around for all your earthbending needs. If you'd like to plot or thread or something, feel free to ping me here or on plurk!
08 December 2011 at 09:25 am
Hey, Marina!

I am so sorry for being distracted lately. Working retail during this time of the year is crazy enough ;) but there's a bit going on in my personal life too that's made these past two weeks or so very hectic.

Anyway, I'm offering up Raistlin here for some much needed plot! I'm ready and interested in getting back into the main swing of things. Ideally with Raistlin, I'm looking for characters who maybe want to try to figure things out or who want to seek to gain back their powers. I'll probably be making a post some time later today that'll be open so hopefully that will help with some interaction for Raistlin here!

Also, please don't hesitate to comment to my "HMD" post!

08 December 2011 at 12:21 pm
Hey guys. I didn't want to have to do this but December is looking bananas between both my jobs and holiday stuff so I'm taking a hiatus for the remainder of the month to be safe. I hope to come back before then, and I'm gonna try to work on threads I'm already involved in. Sorry guys! ;;

This affects Regis here as well as Taiga ([info]palmtoptiger).
Hiatus :'C
08 December 2011 at 01:40 pm
I'm so sorry to have to do this after I just got Seira here, but unfortunately I'm going to have to go on hiatus... I am in a traffic jam for finals, and it's stressing me out so much. I'm also going to be in China from Dec 19th until Jan 5th [ish], and I'm sure that I will be quite busy while I am there.

I'm still going to try to tag around a little bit, when I can -- PLEASE feel free to contact me if you'd like to do something with Seira! I'm on Plurk [ LemmanZest ], and I have an AIM [ lectrolov ], but if you are contacting me on AIM, pretty please make it clear that you are someone from Marina as soon as you IM me -- I block IMs if all I get is a "HI!" or something, 'cause of bots and such. x.x';

In any case, I'm sorry again. ;~; Hopefully I'll still be around and will be able to tag with vigor soon! <3
08 December 2011 at 02:26 pm
Feeling like my Marina muses are fizzling out, so I'm putting them all on hiatus for a while. Hope to be back soon! I hope to tag around during the snowed in event and things, and if you need me for plot-related madness, don't hesistate to contact me on Plurk (grinningnightmare) or AIM (abunai youko)

EDIT: Aight, taking three off, keeping two on! This shouldn't last for too long, I hope, just mentally giving my brain a break. <3

This affects:

As of Dec. 11th, [info]fratricidal, [info]blacktoxin, and [info]hyakuretsukyaku are back!
08 December 2011 at 05:12 pm
I have no restraint. /sobs

Anyway, I missed you too much, Marina, so I'm going to tentatively crawl off hiatus now. I'll still be slow due to finals next week but I think I should be able to fit in tags here and there. If there's something you want me to keep tagging, please let me know. Otherwise, I'll probably be dropping most of my tags and starting fresh.

Oh, and to the anon who gifted Break with a paid....I AM UNWORTHY. T_T especially considering how I keyworded those extra icons
08 December 2011 at 08:00 pm
I have decided to take what will hopefully be an extremely short break from RP. I just haven't really felt like doing my tags for a while so I thought some time away might help me get back in the mood to do them. I don't know how long this will be exactly and knowing my RP drive this whole post might be useless and I'll start wanting to tag again as soon as I put it up. This affects:

Masaomi Kida [info]kidaingaround
Tamaki Suoh [info]kingofthecommon

If you need to reach me go ahead and poke me on plurk (fistsraisedhigh).