Joining the hiatus train!
23 September 2011 at 09:47 am
Hello, Marina! I'm about to go poke through sixteen museums in four days out in the country, so I'm calling a hiatus. I'll still be able to tag intermittantly today, but most likely won't have any internet access until the 27th, and will possibly be slow until the end of the month after that.

Sheik will be spending the rest of day 133 and a chunk of day 134 exploring Marina thoroughly, and clinging to his newly-returned lyre like a shiny metal binky. Lyyyyre <3

Catch you later!
23 September 2011 at 04:44 pm
Calling a hiatus for my entire crew. Not sure when I'll be back, but I will attempt to continue slowly tagging for people so they aren't having to scramble for AC.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I hope to be back soon.

EDIT: For clarification, affects Venom, Link, Sasuke, Chun-Li, M-24, and Edgeworth.
23 September 2011 at 08:56 pm
HI I'M SUCH AN OOC COMM SPAMMER (i deleted my other post though yay me)

Anyway, after some thinking (I swear this is not an impulse decision) I am taking a large step back from RP so I can focus on my last year of college. Not dropping Marina entirely, but I'm cutting back down to two characters. I'm so so sorry to all my wondrous castmates and CR-mates. ;~; You guys are seriously the best and have all my undying love. ♥

Kyouya ([info]insidiously)
Karen ([info]fireofheaven)
Break ([info]madmadhatter)
Mushu ([info]travel_sized)

The other two (Shinwoo and Vanessa) are staying. If there's a thread you'd like me to keep tagging/finish up, I'd be more than happy to do so.

orz orz orz orz I'm sorry. on the bright side, this means I'm not on hiatus anymore?