Hiatus Update
18 August 2011 at 02:01 am
Duo Maxwell
Okay, so I'm pretty much back from hiatus now. If there are any posts that I didn't tag that you guys want backtagged, point me to it with a link in a comment here, and I'll jump in. Same for any lost notifs of threads I might have dropped.

However, I'm leaving Duo on hiatus. I'm going to be reviewing Gundam Wing to center his voice again, and then decide what to do from there. Open threads for Duo will continue to be tagged, so no worries there.

So, back from hiatus are:
Tieria Erde - Gundam 00 - [info]trial_by_veda
Touma Hashiba - Yoroiden Samurai Troopers - [info]streamofthesky
MOMO Mizrahi - Xenosaga - [info]pechesagittaire
Kitty Pryde - X-Men: Evolution - [info]kitty_phase

Still on hiatus:
Duo Maxwell - Gundam Wing - [info]devine_braid

And, of course, I'm getting in on all the 4th Wall shenanigans where I can. So glad I'm back in time for this!
Mood: sleepy
18 August 2011 at 01:20 pm
Taking a stress leave due to various events in life and their effect on my mental state. No excuses for my characters, since Nakama still has to work and such (and I don't think Kaworu can get sick), so if there's something they really should react to/are needed for, feel free to contact me on plurk and we can work out a handwave. Or I can kick my ass into action if it's really important.

Sorry for taggingfail recently, and for not calling this sooner.
Mood: drained
18 August 2011 at 05:32 pm
So basically, college is starting up again for me; some of you already know that I just barely got registered for classes, and just barely found a place to live. The thing is, the new place is not on campus, and does not have internet, meaning I have to walk to campus in order to use the internet. As such, my tagging will be much slower, so I am declaring a slowatus for Edgar here. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Hugs and kisses,