h-hey guys!
11 August 2011 at 12:25 am
So-- you may have noticed I have just not been up to my normal, tagging self lately 8( As this shows no signs of improving on a regular, steady basis, I've had to bite the bullet and drop some of my characters!

SO, the following people will be vanishing from the dome:

Cecile Croomy | Code Geass | [info]badcookpilot
Fay D. Flourite | Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle | [info]fluorescently
Naoto Shirogane | Persona 4 | [info]detects

If there's any threads with them you'd definitely like completed for fun or AC, let me know! I don't mind that, but past that I'm dropping all their ongoing threads-- sorry!!

I'll still be around with Subaru ([info]13thstar), Alexis ([info]itsaschoolnight) and Dani ([info]talkswithgod).

I'm also calling a slowatus for the next week or two; I'm going to be working to tag as much as I can, but I may have finally managed to land a job, and I'm going to be focusing on that, on cleaning up the house and unpacking and trying to write that novel that I've wanted since I was 16. 8(

Thanks for the support, everyone!! ♥ I'm sorry for dragging things out, orz. HOPEFULLY I WILL BE RECHARGED IN TIME FOR FOURTH WALL-- /shifty eyes