25 July 2011 at 05:12 am
Hoshigaki Kisame
Yes, yet another in the parade of hiatuses, I'm sorry. I'm going on vacation for two or three weeks. and I suspect that I won't have any internet access, period; I anticipate being back by August 12th or so, at the latest? Something like that, I hope.

At any rate, this is affecting Hoshigaki Kisame ([info]seeingeyeshark ). For the two or three IC "days" I'll be gone, Kisame will be making a systematic study of the dome and indulging in some good old fashioned cartography, especially when it comes to underwater exploration in the beach and observation deck, where he'll be inspecting the mechanisms the dolphins use to get in and out. He'll let Itachi know where he's going and what he's doing, at the very least, and he'll show up to do any patrols or whatever he's assigned to, so he might not be completely absent. At the very least, someone'll know where he's run off to. Kathrine has godmode rights if anybody needs the big guy for whatever reason.

If there's anything I should've tagged into but haven't yet, or need to tag back, feel free to drop a nudge and link here, and I'll get back to it once I return; I'm willing to backtag forever. See you guys soon! I'll miss you! ♥
Mood: busy
[ Bah, Mondays! ]
25 July 2011 at 12:22 pm
Marina Asylum Mods
Hey game! It's pleasant chatty-time hour, with your friends, the Marinarans!

Monday Free-for-all!

This is a meme post where you are welcome to frolic and play amongst yourselves. You may talk about RL, link news articles you liked, post pictures of whatever, have mini-memes, pose questions, be dorky, etc! You can respond as yourself, or as your character ICly if you're so inclined.

Example topics that are all completely awesome:

  • In this thread: Pictures of our pets!

  • Marina Yearbook thread!

  • Who would win in a fight...?

  • Guys check out this video of a leopard on catnip.

  • IC discussion thread: Which inmate should be the next warden?

And don't forget, Marina also has its very own Wiki! The Wiki contains lots of useful information on Permissions Posts and the Defense Force! Check it out!

Have fun!
25 July 2011 at 03:32 pm
Hey Marina!

I'm off to Malaysia tomorrow and won't have any internet access, so calling hiatus until I get back....which could be anywhere between one and three weeks XD (Unhelpful, I know....)

Sorry to everyone I currently have unfinished threads with ;;

Cherrie x 
25 July 2011 at 08:40 pm
Hi guys!

So I have to call a hiatus for a few weeks due to a family vacation. I will be gone from July 27 - August 9, and will probably make a full return August 10 (I have no idea how tired an 8-10 hr flight is going to make so, for all I know I will want to sleep when I get home, lol).

This Hiatus will be effecting:

Ashura-ou ([info]wishmadeinfire)


Ventus ([info]backhandjustice)

I shall see you all in two weeks! For those whom I have tags going with, I will get to them as soon as I can when I get back. I might even be able to sneak a few in on the trip, but no guarantees since internet access will most likely be iffy and since the comp is being shared between family at night when we aren't running around foreign countries time is limited. See you all in two weeks!
The opposite of a hiatus!
25 July 2011 at 10:03 pm

My slowatus ended up kind of turning into a full-blown hiatus. I defeated the odds and conquered working in the heat... and things are calming down, so that means:

Izaya Orihara ↯ [info]parkours
Mitsuru Kirijo ↯ [info]srsbsnss
Roronoa Zoro ↯ [info]mapquestplz
Yosuke Hanamura ↯ [info]woobied

are all back in action! expect backtags (both on ongoing threads and posts I missed) in the next day or so -- feel free to drop any if you'd like. No hard feelings!

I also threw up a general plotting thing here in the monday meme, for those who missed/didn't check it! Now that I'm back, I WANT ALL YOUR CR GUYS. AND ALL OF YOUR CHARACTERS SECRETS imeanwhat