09 July 2011 at 09:55 am
花村 陽介|Yosuke Hanamura
RL is kicking my ass right now in the worst way (in the way that every day is a fight with my boss because he is seriously Chicken-fucking-Little these days). That and I keep picking up weird shifts because people take vacations every week this time of year. It's kind of stressing me out and killing my motivation a bit, so I'm calling a slowatus.

Not too slow, though! I'm still tagging all the new, relevant posts. Tag backs will be slow for a week or two though. Mostly because I have a lot of threads and keep getting sidetracked by said work.

I'm sorry in advance for all of my slowness BELIEVE ME I HATE IT. I'm hoping within 2-3 weeks I'll have things sorted enough to get back to my normal speeds, but until then, just expect me to be a little molasses-y at times!

If you need me, feel free to bug me on plurk at trollzaya. I'm still always up for plotting and being prodded to tag posts, of course. ♥

Affects Izaya, Mitsuru, Zoro and Yosuke!