[ State of the Apps ]
25 June 2011 at 11:01 am
Marina Asylum Mods
Apps are opening Sunday!

They will close the Sunday evening after (7/3/2011!) and will be closed until the end of July! So if you're working on apps, and you want to be in this batch, then you should get your apps in next week or for one month hold your peace.

And as a reminder, activity check will be going up on Friday. Every character in the game must respond unless the mun is on an announced hiatus and not tagging for the whole week of the AC.

Mini-meme: Are you planning to app someone? Watching a new series you might be interested in apping from? Thinking "I play too many nice guys, time for a villain"? Thinking "I play too many nice guys, time to DROP THEM ALL"? Tell us about it in the comments and get feedback/enabling/plotting! Prospective players too!
Ripping off the bandaid...
25 June 2011 at 07:03 pm
Terezi Pyrope
I'm deeply sorry to all of her CR, including the wonderful Homestuck cast we have here, but I'm going to have to let Terezi go.

I won't bore you all with the how's and the why's, but suffice it to say that I don't have the time and energy to keep making her awesome, get her into plots, and properly troll around.

One more important thing about this:


Still around with my other five! o/
25 June 2011 at 08:11 pm
Hey guys! Just a reminder that Fight Club is going to start very soon! Sign Ups and Rules are here! The match-ups will be posted in Ava's journal on Monday, so don't forget to sign up if you were planning on it!

Thanks~ <333